Monday, March 24, 2025

Does Holding It In When Consuming Weed Make A Difference

Flower and Vaping are still popular, but do you know this key piece of information for your high?

Marijuana has mainstreamed and with it, there is a whole bunch of new users.  While flower is still popular, vaping and gummies have come in fast for being big with consumers.  With an influx of canna-newbies, some myths are still lingers.  Here is the answer to does holding it in when consuming weed make a difference.

How Your Lungs Work

Whether you’re inhaling smoke from a joint, a pipe, or a bong, the lungs react in the same way as when breathing. Lungs expand and pick up oxygen. In the case of breathing in cannabis, they pick up on THC and deliver it to your alveoli (the little sacs of air in your lungs). The THC is then passed on to your bloodstream, where it will be delivered to different areas of the body, getting you high in the process. It’s a relatively quick succession of events, resulting in people feeling high within minutes.

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Photo by magicmine/Getty Images

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When it comes to how long you hold in the THC or how much you cough, the effect remains the same. It takes approximately 3 seconds for the THC to make its way through your body. So the myth of holding in your high is not supported by science.

Why You Feel Lightheaded

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Photo by Toan Nguyen via Unsplash

While you’re not making the cannabis affect you more by holding in the smoke, you are depriving your brain of oxygen and accelerating your heart rate. This process will make you feel lightheaded, which might contribute to feeling higher, at least for a couple of seconds as your body takes a minute to rebalance itself. Still, holding in your breath is not an effective way of getting more high.

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If you’re interested in finding a more efficient way to get high, there are several things you could try. A new method of cannabis, whether an edible or smoking from a vape or a bong, might kickstart your body’s relationship with the drug, getting you higher in the meantime. You can also try adding some kief to your joints or bowl, adding more trichomes in the mix, and producing stronger experiences.


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