Sunday, March 23, 2025

Better Than Nutella: Homemade Chocolate Nut Spread With Marijuana

Despite being raised with a fair bit of Southern European influence, I never tried Nutella until my late childhood. Once I did, I was hooked. When I grew into adulthood and it became acceptable to admit to eating it by the spoonful, I rejoiced.

These days I don’t keep it around because of how dangerous it is for any semblance of healthy living, but boy is it fun to have when you’ve had a few puffs of something good. Spiking the world’s favorite flavors with weed gives me as much glee as a heaping tablespoon of creamy cocoa spread, so let’s dive into the specifics!

Making a nut spread from scratch is a task for only those with the proper hardware. A Vitamix is a little out of my price range, but there’s two ways you can hack this at home, and save a bit of excess washing up after. Choose between powdered peanut butter for a less-caloric choice or a store bought nut butter to skip the most labor intensive and messy part of the affair. Either way you’re adding the same things to make it chocolate and lifting, and if you have the mechanical chops to make homemade nut butter, go for it!

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Homemade Chocolate Nut Spread

Danielle Guercio 2016

Yield: 12oz prepared butter, estimated 7-8mg THC per tablespoon

  • 1 cup nut butter or peanut butter powder
  • 1 oz cannabis infused coconut oil*
  • ¼ c powdered sugar
  • ¼ c cocoa powder
Photos by Danielle Guercio

If you’re using peanut butter powder, it’s had the fat completely removed. This means you can control how much oil you want to use to get it spreadable again, and can omit some of the sugar if you want to get even more healthy.

Simply mix dry ingredients and drizzle in the coconut oil. Then stir until completely mixed, it’s that simple. Pretty cool huh? You may need to add more oil, which can be either infused or not depending on your feels.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Mix the dry ingredients well so that they are ready to get saturated with the nut butter and cannabis oil.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

If you’re using nut butters, In a microwave safe container, soften the nut butter in short bursts, don’t overheat. Combine with dry ingredients and cannabis oil. Store in clean jars up to a week in the fridge, 3 months in the freezer.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

*Cannabis Infused Coconut Oil

Decarboxylate 3.5g of finely ground cannabis at 225 degrees for 20 minutes in a tightly sealed, oven safe container.

Put cannabis in lidded mason jar or vacuum sealed bag with cannabis and four ounces of coconut oil. Heat in water bath just under boiling for at least 1 hour. Strain and chill to use in recipes.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Spread on toast, croissants, pancakes, or any sweets, it will brighten up your morning and your afternoon too. Having a spoonful in coffee or on ice cream is also a dreamy way to medicate.

This nut butter also makes an excellent base for other baked goods like cookies and cakes, using nut butters can also help you use less shortening or butter for a slightly lighter version of your fav.

Photos: Danielle Guercio

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