Cannabis tampons may lack scientific research, but they’ve amassed tons of support over a short period of time.
Period cramps fluctuate in severeness, affecting some people dramatically and others, not so much. Medications can vary just as much in effectiveness, with some being capable of controlling the most intense kinds of pain and others not making a dent in the severity. Need relief, what to know about marijuana tampons.
According to, this variation in pain is due to a hormone called prostaglandin. Some people’s uterus produce this chemical in higher amounts than others, triggering more contractions and pains during the first two days of the cycle. Doctors might prescribe these kinds of patients with stronger medications, heat pads and alternative methods. Here’s where marijuana comes in.
Marijuana tampons, if you don’t know any better, could trigger a strange picture in your mind’s eye. For starters, marijuana tampons aren’t real tampons. These devices won’t be able to do the task that your tampons or diva cups are meant to do; instead, these products are suppositories, which are inserted into the vaginal cavity and melt against your skin.
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There’s not a lot of research out there that supports CBD or THC vaginal suppositories, but plenty of people have reported their almost miraculous effects, providing relief for a solid couple of hours. These results tend to be stronger and more effective for people who struggle with their period cramps and pains.
“CBD suppositories have definitely taken the place of pain pills for me, which I didn’t think was possible,” one user told Huffington Post. “Once I was aware of my pain scale and kind of the before and after effects, I was like, ‘Whoa, this stuff is powerful.’”

Marijuana suppositories are made up of some kind of cannabis oil covered by a soluble substance, such as coconut oil or cocoa butter. Like almost all mucous membranes in the human body, vaginal walls are very quick in absorbing the compound, triggering fast and localized relief. While some people report feeling a strange kind of high after consuming them, the effects tend to limit themselves to the lower part of your body, with low odds of developing a head high.
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It’s speculated that suppositories that are high in CBD and can help with anti-inflammation, while suppositories that are high in THC are quicker in providing pain relief. There are suppositories with a mixture of compounds, providing an effective mix of both effects.
While cannabis vaginal suppositories are mostly known for their treatment of painful period cramps, they can be used to treat a wide variety of symptoms for people who haven’t found a solution to painful sex, or from conditions like endometriosis and fibromyalgia.
Menstruation and endometriosis are topics that remain mysterious and hard to treat, even when half of the world’s population identifies as female and, you know, we’ve been around since the beginning of time. Cannabis, with the help of thorough scientific research, could become an answer to many people’s problems.