Thursday, September 19, 2024


What I Did Instead Of Watching Last Night’s Presidential Debate

Last night, I slept the sleep of someone unburdened by the current state of American politics. Beginning at 7 p.m., I instilled a total Presidential Debate Blackout. No one was allowed to text or call me about the Hillary...

Why Neil deGrasse Tyson Will Never Be Invited To My Dinner Parties

Neil deGrasse Tyson doesn’t seem like a very fun dinner guest to host. This is to say nothing of whether Tyson is an important or influential cultural totem; no doubt he’s both. But is his conversation threads the right...

Drake Releases ‘Please Forgive Me,’ A Short Film With An ‘Indecent Proposal’ Vibe

Drake released his short film Please Forgive Me last night, exclusively on Apple Music. You can watch it here. Drake has teased the project for a little over a month now, and we must admit, it doesn’t disappoint. The 20-minute...

10 Surprising Celebrities Who’ve Come Out—As Cannabis Fans

Unlike a certain former President, these boldfaced names are happy to champion the benefits of inhaling. From the richest man in the world to activists and pop stars, read on to learn about your new favorite cannabis fans! Maya Angelou As...

5 Tips On How To Survive The Presidential Debate Like A Boss

It may be more popular than the Super Bowl. It will definitely stir up some feelz fer reelz. It could even help decide the course of our country. Yes, tonight is the first presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and...

Apple Patents: 5 Products You Had No Idea Existed

So, Apple recently  patented a bag. Not just any bag. The best bag the minds at Apple could possibly conceive. At first glance, you might find this ridiculous. And it's true: The best part of this is imagining the meeting where a...

5 Important Life Lessons Learned From Spaghetti Westerns

I am a subconscious fan of Westerns. What do I mean by subconscious? I don’t actively peruse Westerns. They peruse me. Westerns have always been on in the background of my life. When I was a kid, my grandfather—an...

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