Friday, October 18, 2024

Marijuana Legislation

What’s Ahead On The Bumpy Road Toward Massachusetts’ Legal Marijuana

Massachusetts is one of eight states in the nation to allow for the adult use of recreational marijuana, but the road to legal marijuana is a bumpy one.

Jeff Sessions Has Created A Task Force For ‘Marijuana Enforcement’

Jeff Sessions recently published a memo indicating the formation of new task force that will review “marijuana enforcement” policies.

Marijuana Revenue Will Help Pay Teachers In South Dakota

South Dakota, a deep red state with a maverick streak, is battling to reduce its sales taxes. One proposal picking up steam is marijuana legalization.

Nebraska Seriously Considering Medical Marijuana

Although Nebraska was one of the primary states behind a 2014 lawsuit against Colorado’s legal cannabis trade, state lawmakers are now pushing for legislation aimed at legalizing a basic medical marijuana program. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1490552236473-0'); }); A bill introduced earlier this...

Why John Oliver’s Marvelous Marijuana Rant Makes Perfect Sense

No one can expose the absurdity of a situation like John Oliver. Using 17 minutes of his program Sunday, the HBO late-night host went deep on cannabis.

Governors In Four States Tell Trump Admin To Keep Away From Legal Marijuana

The governors of the first four states to legalize a taxed and regulated cannabis market have fired off a letter to members of the Trump Administration.

The Fresh Toast Marijuana Legislative Roundup: April 3

The marijuana legalization battle made strides last week in the nation's capital with a series of bills introduced. Meanwhile, legislators in Delaware, West Virginia, Tennessee and Colorado made headway.

Old People And Republicans Are the Only Groups Who Don’t Support Legalized Marijuana

Fifty-seven percent of Americans now support legalized marijuana, according to the newly-released results from 2016 survey by the General Social Survey.

Federal Lawmakers Seek To Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol

Federal lawmakers are asking the Congressional majority to support a couple of bills aimed at establishing a nationwide marijuana market.

These ‘Path To Marijuana Reform’ Bills Can Make Cannabis Legal Nationally

Two Oregon Democratic lawmakers on Thursday introduced an aggressive package of marijuana reform bills that aims to protect existing state marijuana laws.

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