Upon graduating from college, Nola Adé entered law school, eventually becoming a legal intern at Russell Simmons' Rush Communications in New York. While in the Big Apple paying her professional dues by day, Adé was also paying her musical...
Music may run in the blood, but in this case it’s rooted soul deep. Made up of Troy Baker and Dale “Dizzle” Virgo, DizTroy is a production group that’s born and bred in Jamaica, and infused with British and...
In the spring of 2016, Don DiLego announced his latest solo release, Magnificent Ram A, and a subsequent signing to One Little Indian. Culminating in a few years of scattered writing amongst other production duties and tours, he secluded...
The Young Auditory Pablo Picasso, aka The Lyrical Miracle, Jay $ilver (Jay Joseph) was born April 28, 1993 in Queens, NY, to mother Marilyne and father Samuel. From the beginning of his life he was exposed to so much...
As they like to say in Hollywood, all the events in Carrie Clark's music are based on a true story. Not just curious events, but the gamut of emotions brought to the fore by challenges both large and small,...
Colin Blunstone…Rod Argent…The Zombies – two seasoned pop veterans, backed by an exemplary band, with a show that not only pays open tribute to the much cherished highlights of their unequaled musical legacy, but also continues the tradition with...
Hollis Brown has toured extensively in America and Europe, headlining and supporting such bands as The Zombies, Jackie Greene, Heartless Bastards, Rich Robinson of Black Crowes, and Jesse Malin, and building an impressive fan base on both continents.