By smoking CBD joints, users can enjoy all of the natural terpenes and flavors that cannabis has to offer. But it’s also inherently unhealthy.
By Nicole Richter.
When it comes to getting started with imbibing in CBD, there is a natural desire to lean towards smoking joints. After all, smoking cannabis just seems like the most natural way to enjoy it, right? However, CBD is a lot more granular than regular cannabis, and there are a myriad of ways to enjoy it.
To help make the decision easier, here are a few of the pros and cons of CBD joints by Premium Jane to find out if this method is the right choice for you.
The Pros of Smoking CBD Joints
- Great Flavor
While other methods of imbibing CBD might be more popular or more comfortable to use, none of them have the excellent, natural flavor that smoking regular CBD joints has.
In precisely the same way that some people enjoy cigars and whiskey, there are people who sample and enjoy cannabis strains. They aren’t looking for the effects, per se, but for the unique flavors.
By smoking CBD joints, users can enjoy all of the natural terpenes and flavors that cannabis has to offer.
- Easy to Assemble Ahead of Time
A significant benefit of smoking CBD joints is that a user can easily prepare them ahead of time at home. This means that, when it comes time to smoke the CBD joint, it is as simple as lighting it up and breathing in.
Aside from the rather irritatingly finicky assembly required, when a person actually wants to smoke, they can just light up and enjoy.
- Higher Bioavailability
Bioavailability is the rate at which the CBD a person imbibes is absorbed, broken down, and utilized by the body. Different methods of CBD consumption have different levels of bioavailability, and for some reason, smoking has one of the highest.
A study by Millar et al. for the Journal of Frontiers in Pharmacology found that smoking CBD has a bioavailability of 31%. This might not initially seem like much, but it is actually considered one of the highest rates of bioavailability, technically making it the most efficient way to imbibe CBD.

The Cons of Smoking CBD Joints
- Danger to Your Health
Despite the higher bioavailability of smoking CBD, it still presents a big problem when it comes to health – the fact that the user is smoking at all.
No matter how healthy the substance within the joint is, the fact remains that you are smoking it, which is, unfortunately, inherently unhealthy.
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Smoking involves combusting plant matter at high temperatures, resulting in inhaling burned substances into the lungs. This stuff can cause damage to the respiratory system, including scar tissue and any number of different medical conditions.
- Anti-Social
Another big problem with smoking CBD joints is that it is just as antisocial as regular smoking is. If a user wants to enjoy some CBD joints, they need to light them up and force everyone around them to breathe in the same smoke that they are.
For those who frequently want to imbibe in public, CBD joints are definitely not a good option, as they force others to become irritated by the second-hand smoke.

What Other Alternatives Are There for Enjoying CBD?
Even if CBD joints aren’t the right option, there are still plenty of ways for new users to enjoy CBD. Considering all the useful benefits of CBD, like how CBD can help with treating nausea, it only makes sense that people would want to try CBD products, even if they don’t like smoking.
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From CBD oils to CBD edibles, there are all kinds of ways to enjoy CBD without having to resort to smoking. It all depends on what kinds of methods provide the best solution for different people.
Final Thoughts on the Pros and Cons of CBD joints
Ultimately, the choice of whether or not to use CBD joints is a personal one. It all depends on the preferences and priorities of any particular user to determine if it is right for them.
Whether or not CBD joints are the perfect option, there will always be those who want to try try them regardless. Websites like Premium Jane, among others, offer high-quality CBD products, including a variety of different types of CBD joints for new users to choose from.
This article originally appeared on Green Market Report and has been reposted with permission.