Saturday, September 7, 2024

Let’s Talk About How Emma Watson Takes Baths Every Day And Oils Her Nether Regions

Who doesn’t have their private bathroom routines that seem strange to the outside world?

Emma Watson recently sat down with Into the Gloss to discuss her all-natural beauty routine. Detailing her inquisitive nature since childhood regarding makeup and how intimate and revealing peering into a person’s makeup bag can be, Watson didn’t hide anything went it came to her beauty regime.

That included taking care of her pubic hair. Stating “how in the Instagram era it’s so easy to edit your life so that it looks perfect,” Watson didn’t want to censor herself.

Via Into The Gloss:

There’s still so much shame around the things you do to get ready while you’ve got a towel wrapped around your head. It’s important to me not to edit that out. I’ve been bleaching my top lip since I was nine. I don’t do it very often, but I do it! There’s that, and I use Fur Oil. I’ll use that anywhere from the ends of my hair to my eyebrows to my pubic hair. It’s an amazing all-purpose product.

Watson also really, really likes baths. As she revealed to the website, she takes a bath every single day of her life. If she can squeeze in two to three baths, that’s “amazing.” Her reasoning rings solid as well:

Nothing terrible is going to happen in the bath, so I always find time for that. I’ll take phone conversations in the bath, anything.

Read more about Watson’s beauty routine over at Into the Gloss.

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