Sunday, March 23, 2025

Meghan Markle’s Hacks For Beating Jet Lag

When you travel a lot like Meghan Markle, it’s important to look fresh-faced for your next personal appearance. And now that she’s getting ready to tie the knot with Prince Harry, it’s even more important, as cameras will be snapping her from every angle.

Before she became a royal, Markle had a blog called The Tig, where she shared her tips on beating jet lag. That blog entry has recently surfaced and they feature a ton of insight into how well Markle takes care of herself. “It’s easy to run yourself ragged,” Markle writes on her blog, “hopping from one locale to another, sometimes feeling homesick, and other times just feeling plain-old sick (tummy, head cold, you name it). Here are some surefire tips I have picked up along the way that keep me feeling A+ when I’m traveling.”

Here are 5 of her surefire tips that always keep her feeling great when she’s traveling. Maybe they’ll work for the rest of us, too!


Markle says she’s no germophobe, but she does always make sure to sanitize her surroundings when she boards.

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“When I get on a plane I always use some quick hand wipes or a travel sanitizer spray to wipe it all down: that includes the little TV, the service tray, and all the buttons around your seat. Sure, the person next to you may give you a side eye, but at the end of the flight, you’ll be the one whistling dixie with nary a sniffle.”

Use Neosporin

“A dear friend of mine once told me that Leonardo DiCaprio gave her an excellent travel tip,” writes Markle. “What is it, you ask? Evidently, he said that to avoid getting sick on planes, he puts a little Neosporin on a cotton swab and coats the inside of his nostrils. Not only does it create a barrier for germs, it also lubricates the skin in the nose. That’s important because when the skin cracks, germs can come a running in, so the coating of the Neosporin doubly protects you.”

She says that even though she can’t 100% confirm Leo was the source of this tip, it’s worth a try!

Take Probiotics

Go Pro has a whole new meaning for Markle, who always travels with a high strain probiotic, and hydrates like she’s “dying of thirst.”

“This dynamic duo of probiotics and agua will keep your gut health in check and honestly stave off jet lag if you’re globetrotting on your travails.”

Pack a Hug

Before comfort animals were a thing, there were objects that made you feel at home on a plane. Markle says it’s important to “pack a hug” when you travel, and that she never travels without a scarf or thin cashmere blanket.

“Throw it in your purse or backpack, and no matter how far you travel, you will always feel comforted both on and off the plane with something that feels and smells like home. This has become invaluable to me when catching some Zzzzzs on a flight, or feeling swaddled in a hotel room.”

Eat Like a Local

Another great trick Markle learned from a friends is to eat whatever meal the locals are eating when you land. Even if you’ve been up for 10 hours, if the locals are eating breakfast when you arrive at your destination, dig into some pancakes. It’ll keep you from feeling jet lagged.

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“I was skeptical at first, but…it’s your stomach that tells your brain when it’s feeling wonky. By simply eating a meal at the time the locals are when you land, you trick your brain a bit and stay much more on track, and much less cranky.”


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