Saturday, January 18, 2025

Eat Like A Royal: 5 Of Meghan Markle’s Favorite Foods

We’ve already figured out how to pluck our brows like Meghan Markle, get a smile like Meghan Markle, and land a Prince like Meghan Markle, so why not eat like her, too? Thankfully, Town & Country has come to our rescue. They went down the rabbit hole of Markle’s food habits and compiled a list of the bride-to-be’s favorite dishes proving once again you guys, SHE’S JUST LIKE US!

When Marie Claire interviewed Markle back in 2013, she talked about her foodie status:

I love to cook. My character is a foodie because they know that I’m a foodie. I’m always on the quest to find amazing new restaurants and new recipes. I’m a California girl, right? I grew up with that farm-to-table dining before it was sweeping the nation. I do think there’s some value to really throwing yourself into food and embracing where it comes from.

Here are 5 of her favorite indulgences. For the full list, head over to T&C.

Mac & Cheese

Who doesn’t love mac and cheese? Certainly not Meghan Markle. It’s one of her favorite childhood food memories. She told EyeSwoon:

“…you know what I do really happen to lovvvvve is that boxed macaroni and cheese. I now buy the Annie’s organic one if I’m craving it, but I throw some frozen peas into it and have this gooey simple childlike meal. I used to cook it for the kids I would babysit and I always enjoyed feeling like a kid and eating it with them. I’m also not averse to eating tater tots. With ketchup and sriracha.”

French Fries

Markle doesn’t shy away from carbs, so it shouldn’t come as a shocker that she loves fries. She mentioned once that she “could eat French fries all day,” and that, according to Delish, “french fries and vino are my vices.”

Acai Bowls

Back to EyeSwoon, when asked, Markle told them that this healthy meal is part of her breakfast routine, along with a clean cleanse shake, or a green juice. Her recipe includes a frozen banana and frozen berries topped with coconut flakes, fresh berries, sliced fresh banana, a drizzle of manuka honey, and a sprinkle of bee pollen.


Just like her Suits alter ego Rachel Zane, Markle loves sushi IRL, citing favorite spots like Sushi Park in LA and Sugarfish, according to Meghan’s Mirror. She’s also a big fan of fish tacos.

Roast Chicken

Tired of hearing about her and Harry’s love of roast chicken yet? No? Markle told the world during her and Harry’s first televised interview that he proposed while they were cooking chicken at home.

“It happened a few weeks ago at Nottingham Cottage…just a cozy night roasting chicken…It was an amazing surprise and so sweet…very romantic,” she said. She even told Food & Wine that she brings roasted chicken to dinner parties, calling it “a game changer.”


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