If your idea of a winter sport is trying to rack up as many dates as you can, you’re in good company. During the Olympics, the village is en fuego with burning skin from people swiping right like it was, well, an Olympic sport.
Tinder has revealed exactly which athletes are getting the most attention. And it’s not at all surprising. During the winter games, the folks getting the most right swipes are male bobsledders and female snowboarders.
Following bobsledders, the most right-swiped male athletes, according to Tinder, have been hockey players, snowboarders, alpine skiers, and skeleton racers.
And the most right-swiped female athletes after snowboarders were alpine skiers, bobsledders, lugers and freestyle skiers.
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Tinder said it has seen a 348 percent increase of usage in the city of PyeongChang, compared to its usage in the area prior to the games.
“Every Olympics we hear that Tinder is on fire in the villages and we notice our usage increase significantly when people from around the world gather for an event,” said a Tinder spokeswoman.
Tinder also reports that app users based in the United States, Sweden and Great Britain are trying the most to connect with Olympians in Pyeongchang.
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The company tells ABC News that since the Olympics began, its app usage in Pyeongchang has increased 348 percent with an uptick in right swipes by 565 percent. They say there’s also been an increase in matches by 644 percent.
It’s also worth noting that PyeongChang broke an Olympic record of its own—for condoms. Time reports that 110,000 condoms were provided for athletes attending the Games. That’s more than 37 condoms per athlete for the 16-day competition. How do they have the energy to compete?