Saturday, September 7, 2024

5 Things You To When Traveling With Pets

Traveling with pets demands some extra attention and planning. Here’s all you should know.

Traveling is stressful, even more when you’re responsible for a pet. If you’re new to all this or haven’t boarded a plane with your big dog in a long long time, do your research and don’t make any rash decisions. Airlines have become more strict in recent years, with longer wait times and more stressful airports.

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Here are the 5 things to know when traveling with pets.

Prepare them for the trip

Each trip demands different things. If you’re planning on journeying by car to a neighboring state, don’t fret too much. Most important is to make your pet as comfortable as possible before and during the trip. Watch their diet and keep them hydrated in case of dramatic weather changes. If you’re planning on traveling by plane, more things need to be accounted for.

Do research on your airline’s pet policy

Each airline has a different policy when it comes to pets, with some accepting only cats and dogs and others accepting birds, ferrets and other animals. Keep in mind that you’ll have to pay a ticket for your pet and that you’ll need a kennel that’s big enough for them to move around comfortably and that’s easy to carry around. Airlines also have different policy on kennels. You can check out these articles for more information.

Know the rules of the place you’re traveling to

Photo by Katelyn MacMillan via Unsplash.

Is the hotel or place you’re staying at pet friendly? Do you have to pay an extra fee? Does your pet need any vaccines before entering the country? Is your pet allowed in the country?

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All questions are fair when traveling with an animal, especially if you’re leaving the country and if you own an exotic pet. Most pet friendly hotels tend to charge an extra fee per animal, requiring you to stay with your pet for safety precautions. If you’re planning on doing some sightseeing, take your pet with you or book a pet sitter in advance.

Find the best way to travel

Whether you choose to travel with your pet on a car or a plane is up to you. Each has their own pros and cons. While traveling by car is safer and less expensive, your pet is more likely to get restless or car sick. Prepare your pet ahead of time by going on small drives with them, that way a long trip won’t be a shock to them. Be ready to do more stops than usual and remember to keep your leash nearby. It’s also important to keep your pet hydrated and to avoid giving them too much food before the trip.

Is your pet the traveling kind?

Pets have personalities, with some being easy going and others being nervous and easily rattled. Account for this before making your travel plans, ensuring that they’re ready to take on the new challenge. If you feel that a trip might be dangerous for your pet, it’s best to leave them at home, where they’re comfortable and under the care of a trusted someone.


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