Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Pump Yourself Up For Home Workouts

Working out at home can be challenging, especially as the pandemic continues to drag on. Here are some tips that can help you get motivated.

Workouts from home were exciting during the pandemic’s first couple of months. The comfort of not having to leave your house in order to stay active was kind of awesome, especially after realizing that you can sweat just as much from doing a video workout as you do in the gym. The charm of in home workouts faded fast though; now that the pandemic remains in its indefinite state, a workout class with 30 people sounds like a dream.

Finding a functioning workout schedule from home can be daunting, especially in the winter, when opportunities for outdoor movement are limited. Still, it is possible to commit to your home workout schedule, even by making little changes. Here are some tips that can help you get pumped up:

Put on your workout clothes

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It’s easier to workout from home than it is to get dressed, leave your house and get to the gym. Still, when you’ve been cooped up in your house for weeks, finding the motivation for it is difficult. Putting on your workout clothes first thing in the morning can provide you with a daylong reminder of the fact that you want to workout. It also puts you in the right mindset.

Commit to 10 minutes a day

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A big problem with working out is the amount of time you have to invest in it. While it’d be amazing to work out for 40 minutes every day and love it, it’s very difficult to commit to this mentality, which is why you should start off with something lower. Commit to at least 10 minutes of purposeful movement a day. Some days you can stick with 10 and others you can extend it.

Treat yourself afterwards 

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Photo by Jade87 via Pixabay

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While working out feels great afterwards, if you still need an extra push, you can treat yourself with something you love after you’re done. Whether that’s reading a book you’re looking forward to, watching a movie you love, taking a bath, meditating, or whatever else that works for you.

Find an activity that’s fun

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Exercise has this reputation of being awful, but there’s a lot you can do with your body. Try dance videos, yoga lessons, Tai Chi, etc. Nowadays, it’s very simple to find a video or some instructions on workouts that you’ve never tried, but have piqued your interest. Experimenting with these new activities will train different muscles in your body and keep you entertained, all the while helping you develop a habit and a taste for moving.


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