It’s somehow fitting that Kanye West would give Kim Kardashian a private Kenny G concert for Valentine’s Day. I don’t know why, but it just makes sense.
NO BIG DEAL KENNY G IN MY LIVING ROOM!!! Happy Valentines Day ???
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) February 14, 2019
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Kim Kardashian demonstrated that she’s just like the rest of us when she took to social media to brag about her Valentine’s Day present, claiming that she had the most thoughtful husband in the world.
Twitter users had all sorts of reactions to the Kenny G video, where he’s seen playing the sax inside a white room bereft of furniture and filled with roses of different colors. Most reactions displayed a bit of confusion. If you have all the money in the world, why would you even consider a private Kenny G concert as the most romantic gesture ever? Who even is Kenny G? Why is he famous?
This looks a little like Jigsaw put Kenny G in a trap.
— edgarwright (@edgarwright) February 15, 2019
a world where everyone had forgotten the music of Kenny G…everyone, that is, except Kanye West
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) February 14, 2019
I have so many questions. Is Kenny G still playing? How long is he there for? Did Kanye set all those flowers up? WHY DO I CARE ABOUT ANY OF THIS WHAT SORCERY?
— Adam B. Vary (@adambvary) February 14, 2019
Very similar to how The Police tried to trap Sting in the ’80s.
— Scott Tobias (@scott_tobias) February 14, 2019
Christ, if I got home home and Kenny G was standing in a field of dead flowers in my living room I’d burn the house down
— Terri White (@Terri_White) February 14, 2019
Anyways, thank God Valentine’s Day is over and we can move on with our lives.