There are plenty of GIFs featuring guys nodding, with some more famous and useful than others. In terms of popularity, this guy occupies one of the top spots:
I just found out that this gif is Robert Redford and I am shooketh
— Stephanie Snowden (@YouGotSnowd) July 9, 2019
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At first look, it’s obvious why the GIF has had such a long shelf life. There are many aspects of it that work: the slow soap opera-like close up, the slightly approving face, the look of a lumberjack. It all makes it a worthy reaction GIF.
The original clip is from a film called “Jeremiah Johnson”, which came out in 1972. That was a long time ago, and Robert Redford has changed a lot, making it understandable why some people aren’t familiar with him. That’s disturbing enough. But there is apparently a large group of people who mistook Redford for Zach Galifianakis, which kind of makes sense, but mostly doesn’t.
The ensuing confusion made a lot of people, primarily film snobs of a certain age, complain loudly about how young people don’t know shit. This is true, but let’s not fight or be snotty about it.
Check out some of the best reactions below:
Zack Galafinakis is going to be so flattered that you all think he looks like Robert Redford
— tom schwartz’s transition lenses (@rachelmillman) July 9, 2019
“How did you not know that nodding guy is Robert Redford!!! He’s a legend!!!!!”
— Flyra Glass (@BackhandBandit) July 9, 2019
Robert Redford finding out he’s been mistaken for Zach Galifianakis
— Gladstone (@WGladstone) July 9, 2019
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OK but it really doesn’t look like Robert Redford in that GIF? And I say that as someone with a boner for young Robert Redford. Like I obviously see it now, but the beard confuses things. Can everyone stop being such snotty little shits.
— Louis Peitzman (@LouisPeitzman) July 10, 2019
I had no idea that this was Robert Redford.
— Emily Nussbaum (@emilynussbaum) July 10, 2019
Wow this is Robert Redford!?!?
— Sean Morrow (@snmrrw) July 9, 2019