Friday, July 26, 2024

Ohio To Consider If Being A Bengals Or Browns Fan Qualifies For Medical Marijuana

Being a football fan in Ohio is rough, which is why some residents believe they need  to medicate to endure the coming seasons.

This month, the Ohio State Medical board will consider a petition submitted by residents proposing additional qualifying conditions for medical marijuana. Among the 28 conditions included, such as lupus, anxiety, and depression, there’s one that sticks out as being particularly questionable: Bengals/Browns Fans.

Some residents evidently believe the misery associated with being a fan of Ohio’s professional football teams can only be cured through a prescription.

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In all honesty, can you blame them? The last time the Cincinnati Bengals won a playoff game was 1990 when they defeated the Houston Oilers in the Wild Card round. In the following 29 years, they’ve only ended seven seasons with a winning record.

That is a lot of losing in Ohio.

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Photo by Sezeryadigar/Getty Images

The State Medical Board’s Medical Marijuana Committee will now examine which should be considered as a qualifying condition. Medical marijuana experts and physicians will be consulted before the give their final recommendations to the full State Medical Board for a final vote.

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The vote will take place this summer, according to expectations. Surely both physicians and medical marijuana experts will see that Browns and Bengals fans need some medicine to endure the coming football seasons.


The Feds Have Until November To Help Veterans

The Feds have until November to help veterans with PTSD, chronic pain and more...let's hope time doesn't run out.


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One of the more prevalent reasons behind marijuana as a medicine is its capacity as a pain management tool.

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