Friday, July 26, 2024

People Can’t Spell These Words, Says Google

Some people just aren’t cut out for the sappy greeting card business. If you can’t nail a simple word like “beautiful,” it’s probably time to hang up your romantic life all together. And also, no scribing patriotic songs.

According to a newly released list by Google Trends, “beautiful” was the word 11 sates struggled to spell the most over the past year, including Washington, California, and Massachusetts. Apparently, not a lot of Jim Carrey fans live there.

“Beautiful” has nearly twice the amount of “how to spell” Google inquiries than silver medalist (*stretches fingers*) “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”, the evil spawn from Mary Poppins. Why would you even begin to type that into a search engine? Make Alexa do it.

Other misspelled words, according to Newsweek, include: “resume”, “canceled”, “schedule” and “sincerely”. Sounds like a lot of people might be interviewing for jobs?

It’s no coincidence that this list comes just in time for…wait for it… the Scripps National Spelling Bee, which ends May 31.

Here’s the entire list by state. You can bet every one of those more than 500 young spelling bee competitors can rattle off these words in their sleep. And how is it “supercalifragwhatever” made the list but not Hors d’oeuvre? You’d think that’d be a more used word, no?

Alabama: Cousin
Alaska: Veteran
Arizona: Beautiful
Arkansas: Beautiful
California: Beautiful
Colorado: Resume
Connecticut: Sincerely
Delaware: Decision
Washington, D.C.: Permanent
Florida: Hors d’oeuvre
Georgia: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Hawaii: Grateful
Idaho: Businesses
Illinois: Beautiful
Indiana: Beautiful
Iowa: Vacuum
Kansas: Consequences
Kentucky: Definitely
Louisiana: Favorite
Maine: Connecticut
Maryland: Canceled
Massachusetts: Beautiful
Michigan: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Minnesota: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Mississippi: Gray
Missouri: Sincerely
Montana: Tomorrow
Nebraska: Nocturnal
Nevada: Probably
New Hampshire: Subtle
New Jersey: Resume
New Mexico: Permanently
New York: Resume
North Carolina: Beautiful
North Dakota: Yacht
Ohio: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Oklahoma: Canceled
Oregon: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Pennsylvania: Schedule
Rhode Island: Dying
South Carolina: Beginning
South Dakota: Chaos
Tennessee: Schedule
Texas: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Utah: Beautiful
Vermont: Solution
Virginia: Beautiful
Washington: Beautiful
West Virginia: Apparel
Wisconsin: Beautiful
Wyoming: Fiancé


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