The animation community and 90s kids alike faced a devastating blow when news broke this week that SpongeBob SquarePants creator Stephen Hillenburg had passed away. Hillenburg, following a long battle with ALS, died at age 57.
If you’ve ever scrolled through social media, you know the substantial influence SpongeBob had on the internet. Thanks to both the internet and SpongeBob establishing themselves as pop culture juggernauts in the early 2000s, the two naturally dovetailed for kids growing up at the time.
But only in the past several years has meme culture absorbed SpongeBob into its grasp. Every month it seems like a new meme is born featuring the show’s iconic characters like SpongeBob, Patrick, or Squidward. The show seems to absorb whatever expression internet users want to apply it with; after all, the show’s main character is literally a sponge.
Though it’s doubtful Hillenburg intended for all this, everyone is susceptible to the power of a good SpongeBob meme. Remember that when Kanye West fired back at Jimmy Kimmel during their 2013 feud, he used a SpongeBob meme.
In memory of Hillenburg and the wonderful show he created, we rounded up our favorite SpongeBob memes. Thanks for making us laugh, Stephen Hillenburg.
Mr. Krabs Blur
when you take a nap for a few minutes and its dark outside when you wake up
— Meecheal Myers (@DemetriusHarmon) March 11, 2016
When they turn the lights on at the club and everybody u danced with realize u ugly
— Vic (@VictorPopeJr) March 9, 2016
Takeoff and Offset: do we get to be on the song this time
Quavo: dO wE geT tO bE oN thE sOng tHis tiMe
— Trashvis (@Trashvis) May 9, 2017
Evil Patrick
Me leaving the pot in the sink because “it needs to soak”
— Andre D Thompson (@AndreDThompson) March 1, 2018
Tired SpongeBob
me after any kind of social interaction omg not even trying to be relatable just trying to survive
— Jenn McAllister (@jennmcallister) March 28, 2018
Krusty Krab vs. Chum Bucket
Squidward FOMO
Juniors looking at graduating seniors like
— cozyshaq #blm (@stephanoslap) May 31, 2016