If you’re one of the few several many countless people who don’t super-love spending time with your extended family during the holidays, take comfort in knowing you’re not alone. And by comfort, we mean making sure you get a good night’s sleep, even if you have to fib a little.
A Holiday Sleep Study from Intex (an airbeds company) reveals that more than half of us, 52 percent, lie in order to keep from sleeping over at a relative’s home. What, you don’t like the feel of a steel bar digging into your back while sleeping on the fold-out couch?
It’s no wonder hotel rooms are hard to come by during the holidays. These are some of the ache-inducing sleeping arrangements people reported being subjected to during the holidays:
- 62 percent admitted they had been relegated to a couch
- 39 percent had been provided a bed that was too small
Related: What Your Sleep Position Says About Your Relationship
- 44 percent slept on the floor, such as in a sleeping bag
- 13 percent (more than 1 in 10) of adults have found themselves assigned to a child’s themed bed
Related: How Using Marijuana Can Effect Your Sleep Patterns
- 7 percent have had to resort to sleeping in a tent
Yep. A CHILD’S THEMED BED and a TENT! Crashing on a couch is heaven compared this these options. Here’s a holiday gift idea: a hotel room for your most cherished loved ones.