Emojis are useful for self expression and practical – but this data blows us away
We love emojis is because we react to them like we would while we actually talk to a person. As they have become part of our culture, studies have found they have a complex effect on people. While they effectively convey feelings, the use of them on dating app bios and professional emails doesn’t convey friendliness; most people find them annoying. But, it seems using lots of emojis is a clue for two things. Yes, a pair of studies offer a fresh perspective, claiming their use has been linked with more success in romance.
These two studies looked into attitudes towards emoji use in interpersonal situations and intimate relationships. They were conducted on single people, with the first study finding 30% of participants used emojis consistently while dating. Subjects said emojis are useful for self expression and also practical, since they convey meaning without having to type out an entire message.
“In this emotionally and sensory austere context what tools can daters use to represent themselves and potentially improve their connections?” explains the study.

RELATED: Study: Using Emojis On Work Emails Makes You Look Bad
Participants were right; those who used emojis found more success on dating apps and were more likely to go on first dates than participants who didn’t use emojis. They were also more likely to have sex.
The second study expanded on the first and looked into emoji use in singles, trying to discover if these had any success in developing more intimate connections and obtaining second dates. Participants said emoji use deepened connections made on a first date and opened the door for more sexual behavior.
RELATED: Emojis And Photo Filters Are Ruining Your Chances Of Online Dating
“Emojis appear to be an important aspect of social behavior in today’s digital world,” concludes the study. “They can be used strategically as affective signals, particularly in the domain of human courtship.”
So who’s right about emojis? Should we or should we not use them in our dating profiles?