Friday, March 14, 2025

Wait, What? 7-11 Is Good At Predicting Presidents

For the past four presidential elections, the sale of red and blue coffee cups at 7-Eleven have correctly predicted the winners.

That’s right. The real pundits of election season are 7-11 coffee drinkers. And if they’re correct again this year, we’ll soon be electing our first woman president.

Dubbed the 7-Election (#7Election), this unofficial and very unscientific poll has blue (Democrat) cups in the lead with 31-percent of sales, compared to 29-percent of red (Republican) cups.

But it’s the “Speak Up” cups for undecided voters that are blowing up. The non-partisan cups, which let undecided voters write in their candidate or important issue, currently makes up 40 percent of cup sales.

“If purple cups are ignored, the Democratic party wins 15 states in 7-Eleven’s non-scientific poll,” reports Mercury News. “Twelve states go to the Republican party and three states are tied. Assigning electoral votes to those states gives Clinton 248 of the 270 votes needed to win. Trump gets 120. The two candidates battle for the remaining 170 votes.”

If the purple cups are indeed ignored, what happens to the important issues facing today’s youth, such as:

“Better lighting for selfies”


“Dat Booty”

“Drinking at work”

“Taco Tuesday”

And of course:

Hang in there, young voters! There’s no such thing as dreaming too big!

Mercury News also has a break-down of cup sales by state:

  • Vermont is the most non-partisan state, with 66-percent of sales going to purple cups.
  • Missouri and California are the most democratic states, with 35-percent of sales going to blue cups.
  • Idaho is the most republican state (and the only state where coffee cup sales backing one political party surpassed non-partisan cups), with 50-percent of sales going to red cups.

Do you realize 7-Eleven sells more fresh-brewed coffee than any other product? Yep. More than 1 million cups per day. That’s more than 10,000 pots of coffee per hour!

The 7-Election launched September 6. You can find instant, daily results at

Consume is an essential source for food and beverage news, trends, tips, original recipes and everything in between. Want to read more? Try these posts: 11 Annoying Things About Menus, How Cannabis Sommeliers Are Making Dinner Parties Way More Fun, and Trump Or Clinton: Which Candidate Do You Eat Like?.



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