Friday, March 21, 2025

Watch: Ben & Jerry’s ‘One Sweet World’ Is Sappy AF

Not ones to shy away from politics, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream has released an idyllic, over-simplified video encouraging us to put our differences aside and get the hell along already. The video was actually released prior to the election, but is now gaining momentum post Trump victory, for obvious reasons.

The thinly veiled video, which features a sour lemon with a leaf toupee and a peace-promoting cherry, takes place “in a land not so far away” called East Coneville, where politics has divided an otherwise fruitful community.

Here at Ben & Jerry’s, we’re concerned that the dominant message we see in society today is one of division. Whether it’s televised political debates or newspaper headlines, it’s sometimes easy to think the world is becoming increasingly divided. So, we’ve been thinking about how we can amplify a message of unity & love using the thing we know best… ice cream!

In the end (spoiler alert!), the fruits come together (because “we don’t live in a one flavor world”) to create One Sweet World, the name of the flavor B&J’s recently debuted in Europe.

The video could easily be a children’s book; it’s moral-based and heavy handed in its message to “give peace a chance” and “love one another.”

Here’s the video. Grab your blankie. And some ice cream.



A Quick Lesson In The Difference In Whiskeys

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