We’ve all been there. You’re pumping gas into your car and thinking to yourself, “What would happen if I filled this gas with another sort of liquid? What would happen?” But would any of us be stupid enough to actually try to replace fuel with anything but?
One guy did. TechRax has built an entire YouTube channel off of destroying technology, specifically smart phones. He’s dropped an iPhone in lava, put it through a blender and a waffle iron, and took a swim in a pool filled with Coca-Cola, Mentos and 200 pounds of ice (his most popular video to date). This time around, he’s filled the gas tank of a BMW with two liters of Coke.
RELATED: Watch What Happens When This Kid Soaks His Sister’s Teeth In Soda
The car starts out seemingly fine, but then about a minute into the drive post-Coke, it starts making weird noises followed by the inevitable “check engine” notification. You can see how it all unfolds and how much it’s going to cost to fix the car. It’s not cheap.
In May, Project Farm experimented with adding sugar to the gas tank of a lawnmower. The sugar didn’t cause any significant damage to the engine, but did leave a residue on the cylinder head, which could have a long-term impact on the engine overall.
Is soda the next fuel alternative? Elon Musk has nothing to worry about.