Sunday, January 26, 2025

Foul-Mouthed Grandmother Returns To Cook Super Bowl Vegan Food

Last Thanksgiving, we shared a video with you of a character named Granny PottyMouth offering up f-bombs and delicious vegan, Turkey-free recipes for Thanksgiving. Well, now Granny—played by Peggy Glenn—is back for more cursing and ethical, animal product-free cooking, but this time she’s set her sights on the Super Bowl and the millions of chicken wings consumed in its honor each year.

As an alternative to chicken wings, Mrs. PottyMouth offers up a tasty recipe for homemade vegan cauliflower wings. But first she’s joined a special guest: her equally foul-mouthed granddaughter. “What the f*ck, grandma,” the little girl says near the videos start. “Aren’t you going to tell them that chickens killed for wings live shi**y-a** lives before being f*cking killed and hacked apart? Or that millions of them are murdered a year and that’s just for one game!”

After detailing her recipe, Granny really lets loose.

“Why, those poor little birds live shitty-a** lives before being hauled off in hellish f*cking trucks to clusterf*cks known as ‘slaughterhouses,’ where they’re killed by turd-faced a**hats who have no sense of decency,” she says at one point. “And their legs and wings are served at dumbf*ck football parties, who wouldn’t know good flavor if it bit them in the c**de.”

Who can argue with that!

Watch the full video below.

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