Warning: This song will loop in your head for the rest of the day. It is called “Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen” and it’s the newest kooky viral video no one understands but everyone loves.
This super catchy diddy was crafted by Piko-Taro, a Japanese singer caricature crafted by comedian and DJ Kosaka Daimaou. The songs makes little sense, but that’s probably why we love it. I mean, who isn’t into pineapple-pens? It previously made internet rounds in the East but it’s just matriculating into Western internet circles.
And it’s already receiving parodies of others getting their own pen-pineapple-apple-pen on.
Will this short, goofy song become the next “Gangnam Style”? Quite possibly. Give the tune a listen. You won’t be able to forget it. No matter how much you try!