Friday, January 24, 2025

Man With Bionic Penis Wants To Date A Sex Robot

A man who recently had an eight-inch bionic penis surgically added says he’d like to date a “sex robot.”

Mohammed Abad, whose penis was injured in a freak childhood accident, had 121 operations over years to add his bionic penis, which reportedly inflates with liquid from his stomach when he presses a button in his stomach. Last March, the 44-year-old super market worker from Edinburgh lost his virginity with a prostitute who specializes in working with the disabled.

“I’ve been waiting for this day since I was 18,” he said after. “But now a big burden is off my back and I’m so happy.”

Almost a full year later, Abad told the Daily Star that he’d be game for dating a sex robot if they ever become available.

“It would be wrong to say that I don’t get lonely because I do,” he said, noting that he often doesn’t get home from work until after 9 p.m. “I am human because that is what we all do.”

“I am not one of these people who will stop everything to find a woman,” he added. “I would definitely date a sex robot – if I was single at the time.”

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