Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Snakes Eating Snakes Is A Thing And We Have Video

Australia is home to some of the most dangerous snakes in the world….and they can turn on each other!

If you plan on visiting Australia, you should seriously be wary of the snakes. Australia is home to some of the globe’s most venomous snakes. Of the species of snakes that live in Australia, 110 are venomous and 12 of those are absolutely life threatening.  These creatures are mean and have few friends. They will turn on each other with snakes eating snakes is a thing and we have the video below!

This sentiment comes on the heels of some intense visual evidence that snakes can and will eat anything—even another snake.

Snake catchers Norman and Sally Hill captured video of an eastern brown snake devouring a carpet python, after receiving a phone call near Ipswich in Queensland.

“We’ve never seen something like this before, it’s very rare any snake catcher gets an opportunity to witness something like this,” Norman Hill . “We always heard the old saying ‘if you’ve got a carpet python you won’t have a brown’ so obviously that’s a myth.”

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Sally Hill said they stayed for a few hours so that the snake could eat its meal. According to her, “if you disturb them too much they’ll regurgitate their meal and it’s just a waste.”

Eventually, the Hills resorted to placing the snake in a bag, so it could continuing eating that other snake.

This, however, is not the first incident of snakes’ meals that went viral recently. Again in Australia, a 3-meter scrub python was caught munching on a wallaby. (Shout to the guy who shot this video for the incredible footage.)

This is no uncommon incident either. Just a few weeks prior, another wallaby received the old snake-meal routine on an Australian golf course.

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We really weren’t kidding about Australia and snakes. If you’re visiting out there, it seems you could end up like this.




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