Saturday, March 22, 2025

Task Force Report: Jeff Sessions Stands Alone In Marijuana War

One of Jeff Sessions’ pet projects is bringing back reefer madness. As he’s publicly likened marijuana to heroin, he certainly isn’t a fan of the herb. He also put together the Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety, a think tank of prosecutors and federal law enforcement agents to study the effect of cannabis on the population. It was to be your standard witch hunt, however, according to the AP, the results were “tepid” at best.

The full findings haven’t been made public, but the bits that made it to the AP make a very good case for Sessions’ to not release the findings. It seems there’s no news inside their papers, and in this case, no news is good news for the cannabis community. It seems clear that the cherry picked task force took their jobs seriously. There were recommendations to continue studies and to basically keep things status quo for the time being.

Theoretically, this means there is no plan of action for Sessions’ to take down legal and/or medical marijuana and that states continue to rely on their voters to make decisions regarding the plant.

The findings we have access to are neither complete nor final, but no matter what the final documents say, Sessions’ does not need to heed the task force’s recommendations. So we may not be in the clear yet, but the odds lean in our favor. If we were a betting rag, we’d say Sessions is going to table this and get on with other more pressing White House issues.

Activists and proponents for the plant immediately celebrated the news out of the AP, which expounded, “Threats of a federal crackdown have united liberals, who object to the human costs of a war on pot, and some conservatives, who see it as a states’ rights issue. Some advocates and members of Congress had feared the task force’s recommendations would give Sessions the green light to begin dismantling what has become a sophisticated, multimillion-dollar pot industry that helps fund schools, educational programs and law enforcement.”

It sounds to us that cannabis is doing more good than harm, but we already knew that. There have been no recorded deaths by cannabis and it is known as a highly medicinal herb on top of being a source of nutrition. In any case, the found findings point toward an immediate future where pot is left alone and states have the ability to make their own choices and enforce them accordingly.


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