Friday, July 26, 2024

This Vaccine Makes It More Likely To Get Breakthrough COVID-19

Cases of breakthrough COVID-19 are rare, but they’re going to become more popular as long as the Delta variant spreads.

The threat of breakthrough COVID-19 is keeping us all on edge, especially those who are most susceptible of getting sick. While all vaccines that are currently circulating in the U.S. provide sufficient protection from the virus, there’s one vaccine that provides less protection and leaves people more exposed to the disease.

Data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine showed the highest case of post-vaccination COVID. Still, it’s important to know that any vaccine can’t completely protect people from COVID-19.

RELATED: Delta, Delta Plus & Lambda: Here Are The Differences Between The COVID-19 Variants

People Who Have Pfizer Vaccine And Get COVID-19 Have This In Common
Photo by Spencer Davis via Unsplash

Stats show that in D.C., 151,000 people received two doses of Pfizer, 124,700 received two doses of Moderna, and 24,000 had Johnson & Johnson (via Live Science). Recipients of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine had 0.32 of breakthrough COVID-19 infections compared to 0.2% and 0.13% of Pfizer and Moderna respectively. While there are different rates of vaccinations per state, they have reflected these same stats.

Still, t’s important to note that researchers have known all along that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine provides less protection than the rest. These results appeared in the vaccine trial stages.

“No vaccines are 100 percent effective at preventing illness in vaccinated people. There will be a small percentage of fully vaccinated people who still get sick, are hospitalized, or die from COVID-19,” according to the CDC. Still, this happens in all manner of diseases, especially with one as spreadable as COVID-19.

RELATED: What To Do If You Lose Your Proof Of Vaccination Card

While breakthrough COVID-19 is scary, vaccines were never intended to be 100% effective. As the virus mutates and continues to change into more spreadable variants, it’s important for people to get vaccinated and not take breakthrough COVID-19 as license to disregard vaccinations altogether. The more people get vaccinated, the fewer odds the virus has to mutate and the sooner the pandemic can truly end.


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