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Enjoy These Cannabis Cinnamon Buns

Want to wake up to an extra special breakfast? Try this marijuana breakfast treat!

During the 1985 holiday season, food history was made with the first Cinnabon® Bakery in the SeaTac Mall in Seattle, Washington. Thousands of eager customers waited to try the original Cinnabon® cinnamon roll and it became instant obsession.  A father and son took the sugar, sticky breakfast treat and put it out for the world.  This was the second big change for the bun, the canned cinnamon rolls premiered in 1956, changing weekend mornings for millions of households. The marriage of breakfast and dessert is a great way to start a special morning, but if you want something extra special, enjoy these cannabis cinnamon buns this weekend!

This recipe give you a chance to spices since you don’t have to use strictly cinnamon; adding other zippy spices to the mix like ginger, clove, lemon, and cardamom make things more interesting. Copious amounts of butter and sugar and THC are all supporting roles for some of the best buns around.

Canna-Cinnamon Buns

Smitten Kitchen 2009, with amendments
Makes 15 buns, 4mg THC per bun estimated

Photos by Maria Penaloza


  • ¼ cup half and half
  • ¾ cup warm water
  • 3 Tablespoons cannabutter*
  • 3 ½ cups flour
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 ¼ teaspoons instant yeast
  • 1 teaspoon salt


  • ¾ cup demerara sugar
  • ½ stick unsalted butter, softened
  • 3 Tablespoons ground cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon allspice
  • ¼ teaspoon ground ginger
  • ¼ teaspoon clove
  • ½ teaspoon cardamom
  • ½ teaspoon nutmeg
  • Pinch of salt
Photos by Maria Penaloza

To create the dough, mix in a stand mixer or bread machine until you have a very wet looking blob. A bread machine will do the rising for you, but if you’re not taking that approach, dispense into a well oiled bowl and cover with oiled plastic wrap, allow to rise for at least an hour. It should triple in size and now be a giant fluffy cloud of goodness.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

Plop the dough on a floured surface and roll into a sheet. Spread room temperature butter over the sheet, then add all of your delicious spices and sugar.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

Roll this sheet into a log, then cut it with a sharp or serrated knife into about 15 slices. Arrange the slices in a square metal or glass baking dish that has been generously greased, then allow to rise again for 45 minutes to an hour.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees when you’re ⅔ of the way through the second rise.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

Pop in your pan and bake for 15-20 minutes, keeping close watch.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

They will bake up rather quickly so if your oven runs hot drop the temp to 350 degrees. Cool on a wire rack for at least 10 minutes before digging in.


Decarboxylate 3.5g of finely ground cannabis at 225 degrees for 20 minutes in a tightly sealed, oven-safe container. Put cannabis in lidded mason jar or vacuum sealed bag with cannabis and one stick of butter. Heat in water bath just under boiling for at least 1 hour. Strain and chill to use in recipes.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

Now for the fun part: spices like cinnamon and cardamom can actually help you get more high from a single dose of THC. The same flavors in those spices are the terpenes that make a cannabis strain have different effects, like myrcene. Play with the ratios and you can change the effects, but it’s all still going to taste like that yummy cinnamon that makes firm memories every time you fill up the house with their delightful presence. Try sealing some up individually and freezing, then you can have a single serving, medicated breakfast anytime!

Photos: Maria Penaloza

Positive Signs For NY Legal Marijuana

The cannabis industry is on edge right now – but New York is showing some positive signs.

The cannabis industry is on edge as it waits to see how the federal government acts.  On one side is the slow moving Biden/Harris administration and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) slow walking rescheduling. The DEA is having to wade through overwhelming positive support for fellow agencies and the general public. On the other side, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has allowed groups from his party to protest and try to stop the process and issuing statements on the dangers of marijuana. Coupled with a mess in California and a significant drop in investment in the industry as everyone waits the outcome, things are tough. But there are positive signs for NY legal marijuana.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

New York was one track to be the biggest single market perhaps in the word in the when they approved recreational marijuana. But a last minute major overhaul of the process a few weeks before it rolled out ended in a massive chaos. January 2023 launch the first legal store, but at year end there were roughly 25 legal dispensaries and ultimately 2,800 illicit ones in the Empire State. While consumers may or may not have known or cared about the legality of where they shopped, they should. The products in the stores are unregulated, which is a strong health issue as ingredients and dosage could vary significantly.

Summer Lifestyle Photos 2023
Wana Brands is the largest gummy company in the industry. They are in 20 states, Canada and Puerto Rico and are backed by Canopy and the alcohol giant Constellation Brands. Highly respected, they are the most mainstream major product company in the industry. Entering the New York Market, is a sign things are starting to normalize.  NY has closed over 800 illicit stores and is working toward 200 legal ones.
Joe Hodas, President of Wana shared “Wana’s entry in the New York market has been a move that’s been in the works for quite some time. We’ve already established a strong presence in over 20 stores, including The Travel Agency and Housing Works. Orders are rolling in and more locations will be coming online soon. While our initial focus is on the New York City area, we’re working on expansion into upstate as well. We believe New York will be one of the most important states on the map for us and we are excited to get more products into the hands of New Yorkers and all those who visit from around the world.”
When asked about why enter the NY market now, Hodas responded.
“Entering the New York market for us was all about timing. In the past, the prevalence of illicit stores in the city made it a challenging environment for a brand like ours. But during my recent visits, I noticed a shift—there’s now a more robust network of regulated, legal stores. We felt it was finally the right moment for Wana Brands to bring our products to New Yorkers. We couldn’t have made this move without our partner, urbanXtracts. Their state-of-the-art manufacturing capabilities and shared commitment to quality have made this launch possible and we’re excited to see what the future will bring.”

RELATED: This Natural Cannabinoid Makes You Feel Happy

“The Travel Agency is thrilled to partner with Wana in this vibrant New York cannabis market, that we’ve helped grow since its launch. Wana is also one of this industry’s pioneers, building their business through consistent products and the exploration of new formats and flavors. We look forward to collaborating with Wana in providing New Yorkers with safe, high-quality cannabis experience.” stated Paul Yau, The Travel Agency, Co-Founder and CEO. One of the larger, legal dispensary brand in NYC.

The Best Marijuana Strains For Pain Relief

Science and the medical community recognize cannabis can be used for pain relief…here are some you can try.

Nothing can rattle you more than pain, and the longer it lasts, the more difficult it is to focus and recover. Both the American Medical Association and the American College of Physicians recognize cannabis for its pain relief properties.  Combined with the anti-inflammatory benefits, it can make a difference in short and long term issues. Additonally, the muscle relaxation and pain relief from plant doesn’t have the same side effect as some drugs like opioids, making it a safer, easier option.

RELATED: 8 Ways to Enjoy Marijuana Without Smoking It

Studies show cannabis relieved mild, moderate, and severe pain as well as codeine and better than the secobarbital. Some issues it can help include fibromyalgia, arthritis, spasticity, inflammation, cancer, MS, migraine, and muscle aches. There are multiple ways to consume marijuana, including, smoking, vapes, gummies, oils, creams and more.  Think about the best way for the patient for the best results. Here are the best marijuana strains for pain relief.

Master Kush

This Indica strain provides a full-body relaxation experience minus the mind-numbing effects of similar strains. The body numbing high treats chronic pain and it’s good for insomnia, fatigue, and improving appetite. It is best to use this toward the end of the day for relief and sleep.


This fruity strain provides strong pain relief effects for an at home recovery. It is a body high and helps numb body and keeps the pain at bay.

RELATED: Using CBD To Make The Most Of Your Summer

Hustler Kush

This indica dominant herb has an earthy and piney aroma and is good for when you need pain relief right away. Hustler Kush acts fast and lasts for a while, relaxing your body and leaving you with far less pain.

Orange Wreck

This strains smells a like oranges, pine and more. This special strain has a particular flavor combine with powerful effects like igniting your appetite and providing pain relief.

Durban Cheese

This strain is the result of a blend of two indica and sativa strains. It’s aroma is described as a pleasant mix of lemon and cheese and its a great choice for providing mild pain and stress relief.

RELATED: Marijuana Reduces Migraine Pain


Django means “I am awake” in Romani, and that’s what this strain will do, providing energy and uplifting vibes to help you out through your day, while also offering pain relief and strong relaxation. This type of marijuana is perfect for when you want to relax while not losing any motivation.

Blackberry Bubble

This indica dominant strain is only produced in Arizona and its specialized in providing mind and body relaxation without anchoring you to the couch. It gets its name from its fruity and delicious aroma and flavor.

Medicine Woman

This complex strain was designed to provide relief for fibromyalgia patients, thus leading to a relaxing high that relieves stress from your muscles while not impairing any of your mental capabilities.  

Black Dahlia

This flower earned its name from its purplish-red color buds, not from the creepy and super famous murder that took place in 1947, Los Angeles.  This strain is sticky to the touch and its perfect for relieving pain and lending a hand during those sleepless nights where you’re sick of tossing and turning.

Like other options, it doesn’t fully work for everyone and the patient will need to adjust dosage as needed.

Online Dating, Gen Z, Marijuana And More

Online dating is still a thing, but it is changing all the time…and being 4/20 friendly has an additional look.

Online dating is here to stay, sort of, maybe.  A significant portion of both the US and Canada use online dating with success. And like most mass media things, it has involved with the culture. Grinder, long known as the gay hook up site paved the pathway for Tinder, known as a straight hook up site., the largest dating app, has few filters and allows people to date who they want – gay, straight, different states, ethnicities and streaming habits.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

But for all the benefits, Gen Z is upending it again. Gen Z is moving away from dating apps and meeting people in real life. And learning it definitely different meeting someone face to face instead of gram to gram. Studies show the most popular user of dating apps are between the ages of 30 and 49, mostly millennial, make up 61% of dating app users, whereas Gen-Z comes in at only 26%.

This generation are into grandma’s china, vinyl, home cooking and vintage clothes. But they are also inclusive with 41% wanting clothing retailers to offer more inclusive sizes a range of body types in advertising.  And they have a whole different take on marijuana.

a group of people sitting around a wooden table

Boomers tend to see marijuana in a skeptical eye. While more are starting to be open to it, it is more of a novel than say beer, wine or gardening. Gen Z sees marijuana as a better option than booze. They have started drifting away from alcohol and embracing weed. Especially in smaller groups. With vapes and gummies being more on the go, minimum odor and more discreet, it is the sound solution. A portion of Gen Z helped make California Sober a thing, which is when you just use marijuana and give up alcohol. was the first dating site to add 4/20 friendly in November of 2019. Now it is on most mainstream sites and Gen Z sees it more like asking if you like craft cocktails.  They are also are more open to a wider variety of people for short and longer term relationships.

RELATED: This Natural Cannabinoid Makes You Feel Happy

As Gen-Z open their minds and heart with in-person dating, they are experiencing what previous generations have long endured. They cite fear of rejection and being cringe amongst their top concerns for being online. Older generations have more experience with the discomfort of dating rejection both online and in person. Experience helps frame the rejection and rebound more easily after an awkward encounter, rather than internalizing it as “cringe” which can’t be overcome.

What Is A Situationship Relationship

Relationships really started changing in the 70s. So what is a situationship and are you in one?

The dating world started changing in the 1970s with free love, open relationships and everything else. Unlike Europe, most American have been more prudish and defining on how people connect.  While more hard driving than their across the pond counterparts, Americans clam up when it comes to personal matters. Now a new thing has popped up, what is a situationship relationship and are you in one?

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

The last 20 years have been a wild ride for dating. Online dating, open relationships, Ashley Madison, gay marriage, group dating in school, and more. At least on the coasts you can meet people who have broken up at least a couple of times with each gender.  Online dating has become the norm with over 17 percent of the population online dating services in 2023. Which means almost 60 million people are looking for something. Also, their is still a fear of being single which may be due in part to stigma of culture with people viewing single adults more negatively. As the become more of a melting pot, Indians, Asians and other cultures put big pressure on early traditional marriages. People who fear being single are more likely to settle for less in their relationship and trade one problem for another.

Situationships are characterized by a lack of obligation or exclusivity, but thel hallmark is a lack of clear boundaries or labels. There are elements of friendship and romance, but they exist without defining the relationship. So, essentially, you have many of the benefits of a traditional relationship without having to make a commitment. Friends know something is going on and you might spend key moments together, birthday, holidays, when one is sick. But it is not clearly defined.

Situationships provides a sense of connection experienced in a standard-issue relationship coupled with the the independence with being single. But the downside, since you are in a grey area, it makes it harder to move forward or call it over.  Ambiguity takes a toll on your mental health, especially when looking at the future.

Signs you may be in a situationship include:

  • You don’t put a label on your relationship
  • You don’t make long-term plans
  • You aren’t exclusive

RELATED: Americans Want It, Some Politicians Prefer a Nanny State

Around 3 in 5 have been in this type of relationship at one point as it can fill needs of the moment.  But long term, it can take a toll on the chance for a more satisfying relationship.

Governor Tim Walz And Marijuana

The Governor will have an impact on federal cannabis policy – so where does he stand?

Minnesota Governor Walz leapt into the national spotlight today to be the Vice Presidential candidate in the race toward Election Day. With the Democratic Party upended by the stepping aside of Biden, Walz will be the new vice president contender and a leader in policy decisions.  He has a warm, folksy attitude, but what about Governor Tim Walz and marijuana?

RELATED: Is New York Finally Getting Its Marijuana Act Together

The cannabis industry is eagerly awaiting the outcome of rescheduling. It will be a key federal change for the industry.  While consumers are embracing marijuana for both medical and recreational use, the industry is struggling. The mainly mom and pop businesses have had to fight the black market a variety of types of difficult regulations and zero tax benefits. The federal government is close to rescheduling and the new president will oversee the next steps with cannabis.

Minnesota state legislature voted to legalize weed and Walz was a supporter. As usual, there was significant back and forth and concessions made, but recreational passed in the summer of 2023.  But, as usual, the process of implementation takes longer and the first dispensaries are open.  Currently, the state has 17 open and continues to expand.

Walz spent 24 years in the Army National Guard, retiring as a command sergeant major. He was the highest-ranking enlisted soldier to serve in Congress when he joined the House in 2007. This should make him an ally of medical marijuana treatment for Veterans, especially around the treatment of PTSD.

RELATED: Cannabis Can Help Soreness After Summertime Activities

There has been one hiccup, Walz appointed a hemp shop owner to be the state’s top cannabis regulator. The next day, they had to step down from the role after the Star Tribune reported the dispensary had sold illegal products and had federal tax liens and judgments against her. Minnesota’s nonpartisan government watchdog the Office of the Legislative Auditor later found the governor’s office missed some standard background check steps before the appointment.

Walz also seems to have some appeal for younger voters, which is critical for cannabis since Gen Z is drifting from alcohol and embracing marijuana more.

The Best Types Of Marijuana To Help You Feel Happy

Sometimes you are almost there and you just need a little push – here are the best strains to help you be happy

The world is kind of wacky right now, but somehow we make it through each day.  According to a variety of stats, roughly 40+% of people feel stressed at any moment. But given a choice, 100% of people would want to feel happy. As another week starts, here are the best types of marijuana to help you feel happy.

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Cannabinoid receptors greatly enhance the release of dopamine; this action plays a critical role in the ability of marijuana to produce euphoria.  The good news is your local dispensary should be able to connect you to one of these strains.  They can be in flower (smoke), vape, gummies, or tinctures/oils. If you are a canna newbie, how you consume can depend on when they kick in, and too much might spoil the effect.


Pink Bubba

This is an indica-dominant hybrid stain to put you in a tranquil and peaceful state. The high THC levels hit hard and fast so it may not be for marijuana newbies. But if your dealing with stress and negativity, this strain can help you out and open the doors tol happy and calm. It also provides a fantastic physical high.

Blue Diesel

When you need your spirits lifted or you need to let out a good laugh or two, Blue Diesel is your go to. This euphoria-inducing sativa strain has hints of blueberry. This strain is optimal for daytime and comes with little to no fatigue or increased appetite,

Maui Wowie

This strain features tropical flavors and stress-relieving qualities allow you to float away for a bit from your concerns and say aloha to relaxation! The shores of Hawaii is where this strain originally comes from. Lightweight effects allow the mind to be creative escapes, while enjoy motivating and active feeling encouraging you to head outside and enjoy the sun.

Laughing Buddha

This hybrid strain has a sweet, fruity smell that is broken up by hints of spice with a rich pungent smoke. The effect have consumers feeling happy, upbeat, and might cause giggling. This can help with those with slight depression, but talk to your medical professional first.

Pineapple Express

Pineapple Express is a sativa-dominant hybrid marijuana strain. It produce long-lasting energetic effects almost immediately. Pineapple Express is 20% THC and may make you feel buzzy, alert, and creative.


As far as boosting your mood, this is one of the best strains. It has a deliciously sweet candy-like taste while giving an exceptional high. Expect a positive and uplifting high when you use this strain.

Chem Dawg

This strains effects include feeling euphoric, uplifted, and creative. Medical marijuana patients often choose the when dealing with symptoms associated with pain, anxiety and stress.


Like rainbows, puppy dogs and ice cream, this strain bring a pleasant and easy happy high. It is believed to be 50% indica and 50% sativa and tastes like a tropical Starburst candy. It should provide a pleasant, creative high with some pain relief without a heavy body sensation.


Pineapple Express

Pineapple Express is a sativa-dominant hybrid marijuana strain. It produce long-lasting energetic effects almost immediately. Pineapple Express is 20% THC and may make you feel buzzy, alert, and creative.

Sweet Tooth

This classic strain is perfect when you have hit a stress wall. Sweet Tooth provides uplifting and euphoric effects great for combating stress and headaches. Perfect for a little happy slip away for a bit.

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This is a sweet sativa strain with happy effects manifesting mainly on a mental level. Stress, low moods, and depression tend to melt away as the strain kicks in.

Hope you enjoy the best types of marijuana to help you feel happy.

The Language Of Marijuana

As marijuana becomes mainstream – it brings it’s own language…here is a quick primer!

Cannabis is now part of the mainstream. Millions use it for medical purposes and the American Medical Association and the American College of Physicians has recognized it has medical benefits. The federal government has instructed the Drug Enforcement Admisntration to reschedule it to be like Ibuprofen and Health and Human Services and Food and Drug Administration agree.  And this election is the first where a presidential candidate is supporting the marijuana industry publicly.  With all the buzz, it is for those new to cannabis to understand the language of marijuana.

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Cannabis refers to all products derived from the plant Cannabis sativa. The cannabis plant contains about 540 chemical substances. Both marijuana and CBD come from cannabis along with hashish, and hashish oil.


Marijuana refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant. The plant contains the mind-altering chemical THC and other similar compounds.


A dose is the unit of measurement of the amount of THC you take in.  Most newbies start at 2.5-5 mg and with experience expand to higher amounts.


Dispensaries are the legal retail outlets for marijuana. They are sometimes in odd locations due to zone hours and currently, most can not take credit cards.

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Weed, Pot, Grass & Dope

These are all terms referring to marijuana. Some are more dated than others.  Other names including reefer, herb and Mary Jane.


Hashish, also known as hash, is a concentrated form of cannabis that has been used for centuries for its psychoactive effects.

Joint, Pre-roll, Jay

This is kind of a marijuana cigarette, which can be shaped into different ways or can use different types of rolling paper. Joints are handmade and pre-rolls are used manufactured and purchased at a dispensary.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors


Vaping devices are battery-operated devices that people use to inhale an aerosol, which typically contains nicotine or marijuana, flavorings, and other chemicals. Vaping is a bit better than actual smoking, had less smell and is more discreet.


Edibles are food products which has been infused with marijuana.  Homemade edibles include the classic brownie and cookie and dosing can be tricky.  Dispensary purchased edibles include beverages, candy, sweets, gummies, soup, and more.


Gummies are candy which has marijuana THC. Gummies make up over 80% of the edible market.  Also, over 45% of people who have used marijuana last year had a gummy at some point.


Microdosing, often done with vaping and gummies, is a form of marijuana use where you might be doing it to manage anxiety or another issue and you take small amount (2.5-5 mg) throughout the day.

Grinder Or Buster

This is the main instrument cannabis users from all over the world use. Safer than scissors and a must have for fans of smoking flower.

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These are all measurements of marijuana. You can purchase an ounce, a quarter, an eighth or whatever else your dispensary or dealer have to offer.

Bong & Bowl

A bong is the device, similar to a pipe, which uses water to enhance the smoking experience, resulting in a cleaner and healthier way to get high. The bowl is the part of the bong or pipe where the weed is placed, receiving heat and producing smoke.

RELATED: A Guide To Your First Marijuana Dab

Blake Or Toke

Both terms are interchangeable and they refer to the act of smoking and getting high.

Papers Or Rollies

These are the products you use to make a joint. Rollies is popular slang cool kids like to use.

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The dry mouth feeling you get after you smoke a lot of weed.

California Sober

California sober is a movement away from alcohol and replace

Is New York Finally Getting Its Marijuana Act Together

The cannabis industry’s hopes were crushed with the failed recreational NY rollout – they may have started fixing it.

New York is one of the signature cities in the world. The marijuana industry sees it as one of the top global markets. The state government had a strong plan to roll out recreational  and changed in within a few weeks of launch. Chaos ensued and the issuing of licenses basically became a trickle.  But is New York finally getting its marijuana act together?

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

The chaos allowed around 2,000 illicit dispensaries to open in the state, with around 2,500 in greater New York City. There were even unlicensed retailers within 3 blocks of NYC’s iconic City Hall. After trying to force landlords to shutter the stores and then begging social media companies to unplatform them, the government had to act. The state legislature passed new laws to crack down on the unsanctioned shops. Previously, the city’s power to step in had been limited and the legal market was bogged down in red tape.

The state is proud they have closed roughly 1,000 illicit stores in the state with over 750 NYC alone. Over 41,000 violations have been issued, totally $65,671,487 in penalties. The city estimates it has already seized a total value of $41,443,792 in products, whose fate remains unclear.

In an added complication, it seems part of the products sold came from the California black market. The closures could benefit the Golden State’s efforts to wrangle their mess. The Empire State has less than 200 retailers so this can be a huge boom for them. The illicit market was very profitable in NYC, with some estimates of $1.5 billion in sales in 2023.

RELATED: Americans Want It, Some Politicians Prefer a Nanny State

Andrew Cooper, Chair of hte Cannabis & Psychedelics Practice Group at NY headquartered Falcon Rappaport & Berkman LLP had a comment on it. “There is no doubt that the current initiatives which have been implemented to shut down illicit cannabis operations as part of the newly enacted budget have been an overwhelming success with over 230 illegal cannabis stores padlocked and over 6,000 pounds of illicit product valued at $22 million seized since May 21, 2024. In the 10 weeks since enforcement actions began, regulated cannabis sales are up 72 percent in New York City with retailers collectively reporting $2.6 million in weekly revenue growth over the same period. This puts New York on pace to sell $520M of Cannabis in 2024, with some people suggesting that it could break $700M.”

 “Because the sheriff’s office can now enter and inspect businesses without a court order, it’s able to quickly raid retail stores and seize products. Unfortunately, legal CBD and Hemp stores who, arguably, are not selling illegal weed have been getting caught up in these raids as well.  In many instances, Sheriff’s deputies and NYPD officers, many of whom are wholly unfamiliar with the relevant regulations including the fact that CBD and Hemp can be sold with the appropriate license, still confiscate legal products and arrest shop owners” continued Cooper.

Governor Kathy Hochul and Mayor Eric Adams celebrated the success of the crackdown on Wednesday.

“In the three months since launching ‘Operation Padlock to Protect,’ our administration has delivered major results on a major quality of life and public safety issue,” Adams said. “For too long, illegal shops have contributed to a feeling that anything goes on our streets.”

Is New York finally getting its marijuana act together, the industry is certainly hoping it is.

Open To Try One Of These Savory Cocktails

The classic Bloody Mary is a fan favorite, but what about expanding to other savory cocktails?

Savory cocktails are having a moment. Last year saw an uptick with them in the hipster communities of New York City, Los Angeles and even DC. The super sweet staples like Cosmopolitans are still popular, so don’t worry…but drinkers are expanding their palate past sugary flavored beverages. The Bloody Mary has been the poster child for savory drinks with its tomato goodness. The dirty martini is another popular order at bars. And summer brings the bitter Aperol Spritz. But these recipes add another whole taste profile, are you open to try one of the savory cocktails?

RELATED: The Best Hydrating Cocktails For A Hot Weekend

The Bullshot

Some could call the Bullshot a cousin of the Bloody Mary. This cocktail’s origin story starts in Detroit, the Motor City. The drink emerged around 1952 with the help of John Hurley, a regular at the newly opened steakhouse, the Caucus Club (still a city favorite). John Hurley, a regular at the steakhouse, was an advertising executive and had a new client Campbell’s Soup. They were launching canned bouillon and Hurley needed to sell a lot of cans, and the Bullshot is one of the marketing ideas which became a bar staple.


The Everything Martini

The everything bagel has spawned an entire mini-industry.  Some cooking influencers have have said they only use the “everything bagel” spice and Pringles has come out with an everything bagel chip. The super savory cocktail almost acts like an appetizer.


  • 1 tablespoon everything bagel spice
  • 1 teaspoon simple syrup
  • 3 ounces gin or vodka
  • 0.5 to 0.75 ounces olive juice, to taste
  • 0.5 ounce dry vermouth
  • 3 stuffed olives
  • 1 sprig fresh rosemary


  1. Fill martini glass with ice and water to chill
  2. In a mixing glass, add gin or vodka and olive juice and fill with ice
  3. Stir for 45 seconds until the mixing glass is frosted and ice cold
  4. Working quickly, discard the ice from the martini glass and place the everything bagel spice on a plate. Using a small brush or the edge of a napkin, wipe simple syrup under the rim of half of martini glass and immediately roll it in the everything bagel spice
  5. If any of the spice is on the inside of the rim, wipe it away, preventing bits of of spice floating into the drink
  6. Add the vermouth to the martini glass. Roll the glass so the inside is coated with vermouth, then discard
  7. Strain the alcohol and olive juice mixture into the glass
  8. Garnish with 3 stuffed olives skewered onto a sprig of rosemary

Grin & Carrot

This drink makes the most of trips to the Farmer’s Market. First made at Dukes, the produce forward eatery in Healdsburg, California.  It is almost like a club version of a smoothie!


  • 4–5 caraway seeds
  • 1½ ounces gin
  • 1 ounce carrot syrup (recipe below)
  • ½ ounce lemon juice
  • ¼ ounce dry vermouth
  • Fennel frond or carrot top with leaves, for garnish

Carrot Syrup Ingredients

  • 4 ounces fresh carrot juice
  • 2 ounces simple syrup (1 part water to 1 part sugar)

Create Carrot Syrup (Makes enough for 6 cocktails)

  1. Stir together carrot juice and simple syrup
  2. Use immediately


  1. In a cocktail shaker, use a muddler to crack the caraway seeds
  2. Add remaining ingredients and ice
  3. Shake well, and double-strain into a coupe glass
  4. Add garnishes

The Spicy Mint Julep

Why not cut the sweetness of an old friend? The classic mint julep can be refreshing – but what about giving it a deeper, richer flavor by muddling a jalapeño into it and cutting some of the sugar?


  • 2 1/2 ounces bourbon
  • 1/2 half of a jalapeño
  • 1 ounce simple syrup
  • 4-6 mint leaves
  • 1 splash soda water


  1. In a julep or rocks glass, add mint leaves, jalapeños and simple syrup
  2. Gently muddle mint and jalapeños
  3. Add enough crushed ice to fill the glass two-thirds of the way
  4. Pour bourbon over top and stir gently to mix
  5. Fill with more crushed ice to mound over top.
  6. Top with a splash of soda water
  7. Garnish with a slice of jalapeño and a sprig of mint

After checking out these recipes, are you open to try one of the savory cocktails?

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