STIs & STDs are diseases and infections contracted during sex. These can range from simple to cure infections to more complicated problems like chlamydia and gonorrhea. They can be treated with antibiotics and drugs, but some of these viruses once inside your body will stay with you forever.Say hello to herpes!
But you don’t have to get busy to get an STD. Here are 5 ways in which you can catch an STI without even knowing about it:
Beauty Salons
Beauty salons are warm and moisty, aka the perfect habitat for the bacteria and germs responsible for herpes and HPV to thrive. These viruses can pop up in different places of your body, so they’re very easy to transfer onto tanning and waxing beds. Decent salons should wipe and clean their beds regularly, so if you go to a good spot you’ll be fine. Probably.
Brazilian waxes and STIs are also intimately related, even more when done in places where you know there’s a lot of bacteria.
Dry Humping
Skin to skin contact, even if there’s no penetration of any kind, can transmit some types of STIs like HPV, Herpes, Syphilis and others.
In rare cases, crabs, scabies and herpes bacteria can hide in beards, especially when this area has come in contact with infected genitals, becoming carriers for diseases.
Sharing Razors
You should never ever share razors because these can cut you easily and aid in passing on the infections and germs from the original user of the blade.
Cold sores in your mouth are a type of herpes that a large part of the population live with. Once you’ve contracted this virus, you’ll live with it forever, and your body will also become more vulnerable to other types of herpes, like HPV.
By kissing someone with a cold sore, you’ll become a carrier of the virus and open yourself up to different and more complex types of bacteria. You can always check the mouth of the stranger you want to kiss, or question them throughly. That’s a sure way to scare them away.