Thursday, October 24, 2024

TFT Pro Tips: 3 Fitness Rules You Need To Follow In 2017

We just completed the amuse-bouche of 2017 and resolutions are already dropping like flies. While you might have already slipped up on a few of your 2017 goals it isn’t too late to rein it in and make 2017 the year of a fitter healthier you.

Here are three things you can do this year to move your fitness journey forward by leaps and bounds, and the third one is a game changer.

Squats Rule


If I could do only one exercise for the rest of my life it would be squats. Weighted, unweighted, balet, high bar, low bar, box, front, back or overhead. You can’t go wrong. I know “functional” is quite the buzzword these days, but in this context we are talking about movements that are built right into our DNA.

Whether you are three years old or 93, everybody squats. Maybe it is just to get up and down off the toilet, but we have to squat. Squats promote mobility, balance, coordination, and these benefits translate into more efficient movement in the real world. And if none of that motivates you, squats are one of the best ways to get a nicer butt.

Hydration Is Key


I hope you are sitting down because you are about to get some tough news. If you don’t drink water you will die. Actually you are going to die anyway, but if you don’t drink water you will die a whole lot sooner. Water is truly one of the best things you can do for your body. Your muscles are composed of 75 percent water. Dehydration can lead to weakness, fatigue, dizziness, and electrolyte imbalance. And don’t let the word dehydration fool you into a false sense of security. The moment you have the sensation of being thirsty you are mildly dehydrated. Thirsty signals two percent dehydration, and cognition, coordination, and will power can all be adversely affected at this stage. Avoid this trap, and drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day. If you weigh 180# pounds, you should be drinking at least 90 ounces of water.



Get more sleep. And if you are like most people you should be getting a LOT more. At least eight hours. Sleep is one of our most essential internal rhythms. Muscular health, immune health, hormone levels, brain function, and even sex drive are all connected to how much sleep we get. It isn’t just old folks and babies that need a lot of sleep. We all do. You may feel like you are still crushing it with 5 hours of sleep and a couple of Red Bulls, but I promise you that your productivity, wellness, and longevity will all be increased by getting more sleep.


You WIll Fall For These Autumn Cocktails

The weather has changed and you will fall for these autumn cocktails you can fold into the season's atmosphere.


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