Sometimes in life, you’re flying high above all of your troubles. The sun’s out, the sky’s blue, and you can see for miles in every direction.
And then your plane spontaneously falls the fuck apart and you’re in the awkward position of landing without the propeller.
This man, whose balls are made of steel and blood is made of dry ice vapor, watched the propeller come flying off of his single-engine Rans S-10 Sakota plane with the calm contemplation of someone waiting at the DMV. We can’t see his face in the video, but he cocks his head to the side slightly as the prop flies off and out of the frame, twisting into the wind above all that farmland and most likely scaring the cows more than it scared him.
You can hear in the video that the engine keeps running, making angry “where’s my propeller” noises as Maverick looks for a good spot to land. Propellers are pretty important to flight. They provide thrust, and keep the plane moving through the air. Without it, as this video demonstrates, you kind of drift down as momentum is lost.
Most of us would respond differently to watching an essential piece of one’s plane disappear at anywhere between a couple thousand and 12,500 feet. Screaming. Cursing. Sobbing uncontrollably. But not this guy. After guiding the plane down into a very luckily-placed strip of runway, he jumps out and walks around to the front of the plane to observe the damage.
He does the same “hands on hips, totally exasperated” move your dad would do if you hit the garage with his car or run over the rosebushes with the lawnmower. The moment deserves more panic but he remains calm.
Stay chill, Iceman.
Posted By: Samantha Cole