Saturday, September 7, 2024

5 Videos Of Cute Animals To Get You Through This Week: July 1

There’s no better pick-me-up than the one you get when you see a clip of an animal acting silly, which is why we’ve compiled this weekly column. These short videos feature all sorts of animals, providing you with that much needed rush of endorphins.

This week’s column features a lot of adorable animals, including a smiley puppy, a donkey who is not enjoying the fact that it’s Wednesday, a screaming cat, two bunnies and a strangely large amount of turtles. Check them out!

Puppies can smile

RELATED: 5 Videos Of Cute Animals To Get You Through This Week: June 24

According to the post’s description, this puppy is excited to be adopted. While a lot of comments suggest that her demeanor suggests that she is more stressed than excited, it’s still a positive post because a puppy was adopted into a loving home. There’s also that smile, which is adorable.

A sleepy donkey

Donkeys are a rare animal on Instagram but they’re very cute, especially when they’re as tired and sleepy as this guy, who does not want to get up and face the day.

A screaming cat

Although the sounds this cat is making aren’t normally associated with cats, there are other videos of it making the same particular sounds. We don’t know if it’s happy, stressed out or upset, we just know that it’s cute.

Two cute bunnies

RELATED: 5 Videos Of Cute Animals To Get You Through This Week: June 17

A hole in the ground wouldn’t normally make for such comforting and adorable viewing, but these don’t normally feature cute bunnies who also happen to be cuddling and making the cutest faces you can imagine.

A lot of turtles

Turtles are cute but they aren’t as beloved as they should be, at least on social media. This video makes up for this, giving us an overwhelming stream of them, all rapidly waking towards their caretaker. There’s probably a lettuce or some vegetable involved.


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