Thursday, March 13, 2025

Penelope Potter

Penelope is something of an expert in etiquette. And pot. And potiquette.

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Potiquette: Is It Okay To Smoke Marijuana While My Kids Nap?

Dear Ms. Pot, I’m a mother of two kids, and I’m home alone with them all day. ALL DAY. From 6 am Cheerios to 6 pm mac-n-cheese, with laundry and playgrounds and Spongebob in between. (Do you know...

Does Weed Go Well With The Holidays?

Dear Ms. Pot. I recently went home from college for the Jewish holidays and my parents made me go to temple.  I felt 14 again. I had no choice but to make the time at temple more... interesting...

Potiquette: I Love Smoking Weed, But My Wife Does Not

Dear Ms. Pot, Okay, I’m guessing you’ve heard this one before, but I’d still like your opinion on this common dilemma: I like to smoke pot and my wife doesn’t. I, like, really like to smoke pot: seven...

Is It A Good Idea To Work Out While High On Marijuana?

Dear Ms. Pot, I heard that some former NFL star is opening a new gym in San Francisco (of course) that’s geared toward marijuana and working out while stoned. Sounds awesome. The problem is, I live in Milwaukee. Smoking...

Potiquette: Can I Show Up To A Work Party High ?

Dear Ms. Pot, Next weekend, my office is having a pool party. First, I just have to say: office + pool parties = bad combo. (Do I really need to see my manager in his bathing suit? Or—shudder—Bob...

Potiquette: The Back To School Edition

Dear Ms. Pot, I’m a philosophy professor at a school in the middle of cow country. There are two bars dominated by underage students, one Chinese restaurant, and a nice little inn where you can get a decent glass...

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