Tuesday, March 18, 2025

5 Infused Beers That May Or May Not Get You High

As the country continues to change in immeasurable and previously unimaginable ways, there are some things – a few, maybe – that are improving. The national acceptance of marijuana across the United States is one that we here at The Fresh Toast especially welcome with open arms and flicked lighters. And with that increasing acceptance (read: continued statewide legalization) comes new options to consume (read: imbibe) cannabis-infused products (as well as hemp-enhanced products). As we wrote about earlier, Portland’s Coalition Brewing Co. has released a CBD IPA beer, which offers a citrusy taste that might even relax you a bit more than an average brew. But what other options are available right now? Which work the best for the best high? And what does the future hold for THC-infused craft beer? We have your answers.

Lagunitas Brewing Co.

In August, the famed California brewery rolled out a beer called SuperCritical that’s brewed with elements extracted from cannabis plants.

While the beer won’t get you high, it’s a step in the right direction for the cause given the worldwide reputation of the brewery and it being owned by Heineken.


Humboldt Brewing Co.

This Golden State brewery makes Hemp Ale with toasted hemp seeds. Aside from the novelty of it, brewers like to use industrial hemp (aka hemp without THC) because it contains certain fatty acids that are healthy for the consumer and (fun fact!) they make the form of the bear extra creamy.


KettleHouse Brewing Co.

This beloved Montana brewery created a Pale Ale called Fresh Bongwater that’s made with Canadian-grown hemp. Makes you wanna sing ‘Oh Canada!’ right? (Note: a handful of other breweries have released similar hemp-infused brews but so far there are no commercially available beer infused with THC.)


Happy Apple Cider

Not technically a beer, but it’s close enough! Plus, this drink will get you high. Made with Washington apples, this 12-ounce bottle of carbonated pressed juice is finished with the joyful touch of cannabis (10mg).

It’s like the fizzy stuff you would drink as a kid at Thanksgiving while the adults drank champagne. But this time it will get you stoned.



While this Washington-based concoction doesn’t itself taste like beer, it is a liquid that will get you high. It has no taste, in fact, and, if you were so bold, you could add it to your favorite craft brew for a nice stoney beer buzz (drink responsibly!)


What The Future Holds: As time continues to pass, more and more innovations befall the happy THC consumer. While craft beer and weed haven’t wed yet – and, let’s be honest, combining alcohol and THC can be tricky balance – there are likely soon to be options hitting the shelves in legalized states. In the mean time, try a frothy CBD-infused brew and finish it off with a THC-infused cider. Cheers!


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