Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Marijuana 101: Know Your Cannabis Social Etiquette

The cannabis community, no matter how much it cleans itself up, is still a group of individuals who usually lack prejudice and who are rich in compassion.

One of the great things about marijuana smokers, both professionals and occasional users, is that they’re generally amiable people. They may have their social quirks like anyone else, but if need be, those quirks and tendencies can be quelled with a little lesson, then you will know your cannabis social etiquette. Which, it is totally  a thing.

First things first, don’t bogart the joint, my friend. We all know the rule of puff, puff pass, but, even if your story is the most engaging piece of oratory in the room, don’t hold the joint hostage while you tell it. In fact, you can pause for effect, punctuating a point, with a strategic and gracious hit and hand-off.

Once you’re done with that joint, go to the bathroom and freshen up before going back out into the world. There’s nothing shameful that needs to be hidden about cannabis, however, like with alcohol, if you reek of it in public, you carry more of the vestiges of a stigma with you. Normalizing weed doesn’t mean making a spectacle of it.

RELATED: 3 Etiquette Tips For Consuming Marijuana In The Age Of Coronavirus

Offering cannabis in the form of a tincture, even high grade CBD tincture or an edible at a social event or dinner, is naturally circumstantial. Use your best judgement as to whether or not it’s appropriate and don’t partake if the other party declines. Especially at a cannabis business meeting, it may be appropriate — especially if a product is a sample — to imbibe on the spot, but offer your co-worker an edible to-go instead. They may need to drive or have other meetings to attend.

How To Sniff Out Free Weed At A Party
Photo courtesy of Cannaclusive/Flickr

Even if you’re lucky enough to live in a legalized state that allows for social consumption, be welcoming to outsiders. If someone asks to join your table, make room, pass the e-nail and maybe everyone will be able to try some new product.

RELATED: 5 Etiquette Tips For Smoking Marijuana With Friends

If you are the newbie, be polite, try to BYOC (unless in dire need), but just be yourself. The cannabis community, no matter how much it cleans itself up, is still a group of individuals who usually lack prejudice and who are rich in compassion. As the cannabis movement started to spread in the medical world, it is that same aspect of wellness and giving that are the roots to where we’ve grown.

Don’t be afraid to ask, but whether asking, offering or simply sitting in, do it with simple love. That’s the biggest bit of etiquette there is in the cannabis community. And always pass to the left.


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