Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Boozy Marijuana Gummies: Because We All Need More Happiness

The idea of making yummy food laced with a potent dose of piff is great, but it’s often labor intensive. If you’re not an experienced cook or into following explicit directions, it’s just not always feasible to take what you can twist into a joint and process it into a food item.

In the realm of easy to make cannasnacks, there’s not too many options. One would be the Firecracker, but they just don’t seem very appetizing to me, personally. Whether you buy or make your own tinctures, alcohol based tinctures make adding strength to uncooked items very simple.

The old dorm room favorite, booze spiked gummy candy, is a near perfect vessel for alcoholic tinctures. Gummies can soak up a lot of alcohol, which means you can make these with just ‘the goods’ (a small amount of tincture) or mix into a larger amount of alcohol and soak them into the buzzed zone. Either way you decide to prepare them, they are hands off and ready in mere hours.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Weed Tincture Soaked Gummies

Danielle Guercio 2016

  • 1 package Gummy candy
  • 1 oz alcohol tincture*
  • Additional ½ cup liquor or wine (optional)

Soaking gelatin based gummy candy in alcohol is a straightforward procedure, but requires a little extra care if you’re looking to have uniform dosing across each candy. If you are making them haphazardly, just beware of accidentally strong ones.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

To make a uniform strength candy, pack the candies in a shallow jelly jar so they are standing up vertically. Pour tincture over candy. Seal and allow to infuse 4 hours or overnight in the fridge.

If you want them to be extra alcoholic, mix tincture into liquor of choice before pouring over candy. They’ll need more space to puff up if that’s the case, so try laying them flat in a plastic container and then pouring over the alcohol.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

*Alcohol Cannabis Tincture

Decarboxylate an eighth of finely ground cannabis by heating in an oven safe and well sealed container for 20 minutes at 225 degrees. Put Cannabis and high proof spirit like 151 rum into a jar or vacuum sealed bag and place in a water bath at just under boiling for 1-3 hours Strain into dropper bottle and dispense 1-5mL as a dose or use in recipes.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

These are beyond simple, they are effortless. You can use them for discreet medicating or party favors, and if you want them extra boozy you’re doing two jobs in one, just make sure to not overdo it, they’re deceptively tasty!



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