Saturday, January 25, 2025

How To Make These Highly Addictive Cannabis Carrot Fries

These baked veggies don’t taste distractingly of marijuana, yet still have positively intoxicating effects.

If you love the flavor of sweet potato fries, you’ll love the sweet-savory flavor of oven-baked carrot fries. Drizzled with homemade cannabutter and seasoned with salt, pepper, and parmesan, they’re an earthy-salty-sweet snack that doesn’t taste distractingly of marijuana, yet still has positively intoxicating effects.

And best of all? They’re ready when you are. These simple (non-fried) carrot strips can be made in the oven in just about 20 minutes.

Photos by Jessie Moore

Cannabis Carrot Fries

6 servings

1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment.

Photos by Jessie Moore

2. Peel the carrots, and slice of the tips and ends. Slice each carrot in half, making for two short halves. Slice each half either in half or in quarters, to your desired “fry” size. Try to make the fries as evenly-sized as possible.

RELATED: Cannabutter: A Beginner’s Guide To Making The Best Ever

Photos by Jessie Moore

3. Place the carrots in a large bowl; drizzle with the cannabutter. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese, salt and pepper (be very generous with the salt, in particular) and any other seasonings you’d like. Mix by hand; make sure the carrots are nice and evenly coated.

Photos by Jessie Moore

4. Turn the carrots on to the prepared baking sheet, making sure they lie in a single layer. If any bits of the liquid are still in the bowl, drizzle it on top.

RELATED: How To Make Your Edibles Taste Less Like Weed

Photos by Jessie Moore

5. Bake in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes, or until they are crisped to your liking (on the longer side if you like them less-soft on the inside; it’s OK if the edges even have a slight bit of blackening). For extra crispy edges you can turn on the broiler for the last minute or two of cooking; be sure to monitor the mixture carefully as they can progress from perfectly crisp to totally burnt under the broiler if you forget about them! Remove from the oven, and let cool briefly before enjoying warm.

A note on dosage

I “dosed” this recipe with 1 teaspoon of cannabutter per serving (3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon). The strength of your finished product will depend on many factors, including the type of marijuana you used and how you made your cannabutter.

For more tips on proper dosage, visit our post: 5 Ways To Figure Out THC Dosage With Cannabutter.


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