Sunday, March 16, 2025

‘US News And World Report’ Comes Out Swinging In Favor Of Cannabis

In a piece titled “Marijuana Doomsday Didn’t Come,” showcasing a beautiful header of a marijuana crop, US News took a look at Colorado post legalization and came to the conclusion that all the panic surrounding legalized cannabis was for naught.

In January, it will be four years since Colorado began legal sales of recreational marijuana, and there is still debate in the state as to whether Colorandians made the right choice – no matter that the measure won by a ten-point margin.

US News rips into an editorial piece published by The Colorado Springs Gazette that referred to legalized cannabis in Colorado as, “an embarrassing cautionary tale,” and then proceeds to present “everything wrong” with cannabis.

Fortunately, there really is not much wrong with cannabis. US News especially took issue with the purported doubling of deaths due to fatal car accidents where the driver tested positive for pot. At this point, there is no working test for driving under the influence of cannabis. Drug tests cannot distinguish between if one smoked an hour ago or a month ago.

After tearing into Jeff “I support the death penalty for marijuana dealers” Sessions, the story goes on to present their own list of why cannabis isn’t the Devil’s lettuce after all. It breaks down the standard arguments for prohibition and displays why they’re just wrong.

The story fact heavy, including important gems like this:

“Marijuana opponents like Sessions are quick to identify all sorts of evils that will befall society in the wake of legalization. What opponents conveniently ignore are the myriad evils that befall society precisely because of prohibition. Today, over half a million Americans are arrested each year for marijuana possession. That’s more than are arrested annually for all violent crimes combined. Each one of those half-million annual arrests represents a family that is subjected to financial, psychic and sometimes physical harm from police, prosecutors and courts.”

And they are absolutely right. Cannabis itself does not lead to societal breakdown, it does not lead to increased homelessness or teen usage and reefer madness is just that, madness. The force is strong with the US News and World Report and we’re glad to have them on our side.


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