When talking about what a product can do, the words we use matter. This is especially true when we talk about how CBD might affect the symptoms of a disorder versus providing a cure.
Even the biggest fans of hemp-derived cannabidiol have to admit that this product has its limitations. While the ability to manage seizures for a few hard-to-treat pediatric conditions, decrease anxiety, and improve sleep have all been supported by preliminary research, there are false claims being made about CBD. Here is what CBD can’t do for you.
CBD can’t do it all. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers are willing to market honestly, especially if it might mean sacrificing profits. This has resulted in disappointed consumers and a pretty detailed FDA warning about bogus health claims.
CBD and Cancer
One misunderstanding about CBD is that it is a cure for cancer. So far, the research surrounding it hasn’t found this to be true and the FDA was pretty clear when they sent a letter warning manufacturers about false claims about CBD curing cancer. What has been proven is that, in a lab setting, CBD may be able to slow down or kill certain cancer cells, according to The American Cancer Society. More research will need to be done before cannabis can be shown to be a promising treatment method of cancer.
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Additionally, both marijuana and CBD have been successfully used to manage the symptoms of cancer. Whether it is nausea, pain or appetite, this hemp-derived oil can be effectively used to improve quality of life in many patients.
CBD and Diabetes
When the FDA warned marketers about what they were saying about the benefits, its use for treating diabetes came up in their warnings. So far, there isn’t a lot of evidence that this hemp-derived product is a good option for managing blood sugar. We know that the endocannabinoid system does play a role in insulin sensitivity, but the information on the link between diabetes and CBD stops there.
Why is this an important thing to know? Substituting prescribed medications for an alternative treatment can be incredibly dangerous for diabetics, making false claims about the usefulness of CBD for diabetics especially worrisome.

CBD and Psychosis
When talking about what a product can do, the words we use matter. This is especially true when we talk about how it might affect the symptoms of a disorder versus providing a cure and applies to the idea it might play a role in psychosis treatment.
Although there was one study that showed CBD produced changes in the brain that indicated some effect on psychosis, the study’s authors were very clear that this was not a treatment study. Additionally, this study was performed on adults who didn’t have a formal psychosis diagnosis, but rather were in the early stages of experience psychosis.
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This means, there simply isn’t enough information to indicate it can be used to help manage the symptoms of psychosis. However, it may eventually play a role in preventing psychosis or supporting other medications.
CBD is safe for consumption by the general population, which makes it a risk-free, alternative treatment for many. The being said, there are risks to dropping medication and turning to alternative treatments without the advice of a health professional. So, if experimental treatment with CBD is something that might be on the horizon for you, make sure you have a talk with your healthcare provider first. And keep in mind what CBD can’t do for you.