Saturday, January 25, 2025

What is a CannaGar

Roughly 9 million smoke cigars in Canada and the US – and now there is another option.

It seems the Mayas grew tobacco for medical purposes and developed the original cigar. Columbus and other explores brough tobacco and cigars back to Europe. It arrived around 1760 in North America when Israel Putnam returned from Cuba. He brought with him a selection of Havana cigars and large amounts of Cuban tobacco seed. In the early 19th century American domestic production started to take off and Cuban cigars also began to be imported in significant numbers.  The love of cigars became associated with a luxury pleasure, with Cubans being at the top.  But what if it went one better…what is a cannagar? The marriage of cigars and cannabis.

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Some people see cannabis like a fine wine.  Something to savor and enjoy.  For those cannabis connoisseurs who like a big smoke with a sophisticated flair, consider the cannagar. Its predecessor, the Thai Stick, originated in Thailand. They popular in North America during the 60s and 70s where troops brought the knowledge back with them from the Vietnam War. They faded out within a decade as the war on drugs escalated.  

A cannagar is a cannabis cigar that is smoked more like a cigar than a joint. Use a cigar cutter to trim the end before lighting up.  Consumers share cannagar pulls so much easier and burns hotter due to the hole for airflow, which is why you’d want to puff on it like a cigar rather than a joint. Set aside a couple of hours to enjoy the long burn time.”

Making your own cannagars can not only save money, it allows you to get as creative as you want by adding your favorite strains, wraps, and concentrates. However, the process for making cannagars by hand requires patience, and it can become a very tedious process if you’re making it without a cannagar mold. Using a cannagar mold will save you time and money and you’ll have a cannagar made within minutes. 

A cannagar mold is not good quality if it doesn’t feel durable (there are some that use a 3D printer and those can break pretty easily). The best cannagar molds will make life simpler by having a few steps and making it as easy as possible. They’ll also come as a kit and include just about everything you need to create your first cannagar.

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Like cigars, the pre-made cannagars available at dispensaries tend to be on the pricey side. Prior to paying for this premium product, do a little research and read the reviews.

The global cigar market size was valued at $41.5+million in 2021, a premium niche of the tobacco market. A legal market will see if cannagars become an equivalent.


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