Friday, March 28, 2025

Why the 1:1 Ratio Of THC And CBD Is Canna-Magic

While there are a myriad of dosage ratios when it comes to THC and CBD, having equal amounts of each cannabinoid either bred into the strain or concocted via cannabis alchemy means a therapeutic, medicinal effect. Used often to combat the side effects of chemotherapy like nausea and sleeplessness, the 1:1 ratio promotes calmness and tranquility.

What Are CBD and THC Respectively?

Cannabidiol or CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that’s proven to be a miracle treatment for inflammation, anxiety and even severe seizure disorder, but to really work its magic, there needs to be other cannabinoids, including a dollop or more of THC.

CBD is known to somewhat counteract the flightier high of THC and mellow it out the higher the amount of CBD compared to THC. THC is the cannabinoid most known throughout the world as the one that gets you high and keeps your mood elevated. It also has many medicinal properties, but it’s psychoactivity is tempered by an abundant presence of CBD.

CBD:THC Ratios

While research is yet ongoing as to which ratio combinations create the “best” effects for certain disorders, anecdotal evidence suggests quite a bit in this realm. For example, if THC really makes you paranoid or anxious, a 2:1 CBD:THC ratio is more likely to be the answer for what ails you, as the extra CBD tends to eliminate the oftimes heart-racing effects of high THC.

The 1:1 Ratio

Since the “Golden Ratio” is already taken, we’ll call this the “Emerald Equation.” It is about as medicinal as it gets. If you are suffering from a disease or other health problem that has you writhing in pain or completely sleepless, it’s highly likely that a dropperful of 1:1 tincture will quell your discomfort and have you sleeping, sleepy or simply slightly sedated enough to get out of your head about the pain and sickness you’re experiencing.

If you’re looking for less of a high and more of a sense of relief, look for a reputable, concentrated 1:1 ratio tincture or oil and take as directed by your cannabis medical provider or by the consultant at your local dispensary. This is not the math to get you blazed, per se, but it is truly the way to combat severe symptoms of fibromyalgia, insomnia, the side effects of cancer treatment and neurological disorders like Multiple Sclerosis.


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