Thursday, September 19, 2024


Oregon’s Marijuana Industry Staggering Under Regulatory Roadblock

October was a defining, if not catastrophic, month for the Oregon marijuana industry, which, until then, was growing at a very fast rate.

Looks Like Ireland Is About To Legalize Medical Marijuana

Ireland legislators passed a bill to make legalize medical marijuana after the government agreed that it would not stand in the way.

Alaska Estimates $12 Million In Marijuana Tax Revenue By 2018

The Alaska state treasury has received its first-ever revenue from legal marijuana taxes. And while the one-month total appears small, big things are expected. Four cannabis growers forked over $10,400 to the state after one month of the legal program. The first...

High Gorgeous: Cali’s First Mainstream Cannabis Beauty Line

Cannabis is the star of each one of these new lotions, body butters, bubble baths, and lip balms that will have everyone saying, High Gorgeous!

Medical Marijuana Now Available To NYers Suffering From Chronic Pain

New Yorkers suffering from chronic pain will soon be able to seek relief with marijuana, the State Health Department announced Thursday. "After conducting a thorough review of the scientific literature, it became clear that there may be certain benefits in...

Did Obama Just Admit That Marijuana Should Be Legalized?

President Obama said that marijuana should be treated "as a public-health issue, the same way we do with cigarettes or alcohol.”

Colorado Homeless: $12.3 Million In Weed Tax For Wrap-Around Services

In a bold move, Colorado Gov. announced a plan to take tax revenues from marijuana sales and use it to help solve the Colorado homeless crisis.

Fined $10 Million By NFL, Players Continue Fighting For Marijuana

The NFL has a drug problem and more and more of its players are speaking out about it. When will the league okay marijuana?

Marijuana Can Help: $1 Billion To Combat America’s Opioid Problem

Studies have revealed a less expensive treatment readily available: marijuana.

CannKorp Creates the ‘Keurig of Marijuana’ Because Why the Hell Not

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, companies like Massachussetts-based CannaKorp disrupt that thought to bring you CannaCloud, the world’s first single-use pod vaporizing system. Some users have crowned the system, the “Keurig of marijuana” which is undoubtedly...

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