Friday, October 18, 2024

Marijuana Legislation

The Creator Of ‘The Wire:’ The War On Drugs Is A Massive Failure

It's no secret that David Simon, the creator, executive producer and writer for HBO's groundbreaking series "The Wire," believes the War on Drugs has been a massive failure.

Study: Fewer People Hospitalized For Opioid Abuse In States Where Marijuana Is Legal

Legal marijuana advocates called it. In states where weed is legal, hospitals are seeing a decline in patients needing treatment for opioid abuse.

Canada Will Legalize Recreational Marijuana By July 2018: All The Details

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's campaign promise to legalize recreational marijuana will be fulfilled by next summer, according to reports.

What’s In Store For Marijuana In The Sessions Justice Department

With Jeff Sessions at the helm of the Justice Department, many in the marijuana industry and advocacy movements are openly wondering what the future holds for cannabis policy.

Arkansas Lawmakers Stall Medical Marijuana

Arkansas is trying to delay in the state’s voter approved medical marijuana program, by attempting to wait until the feds repeal schedule 1 before rollout.

President Obama’s Impact On The War On Drugs

What has been President Obama's Impact on the War On Drugs?  It is hard to believe that he will no longer be our President. I have both smiled and wiped away tears when watching President Obama’s farewell speeches, press...

Black Market Weed May Thrive With Governor’s Plan

In November, Nevada voted for legal adult use of cannabis. A little over two months later, state officials are still debating the law.

Three States Have Delayed Voter Approved Marijuana

Legislators in a number of states are pushing forward measures to delay the enactment of several voter-initiated marijuana laws.

Election 2016 Op-Ed: A Clear Victory For Cannabis

Welcome to the day after election 2016, which saw two of the most unfavorably viewed Presidential candidates in US history duke it out, while we all now know that the big winner of the day was….cannabis. As of this...

Santa’s Upset The North Pole To Ban Cannabis

Is coal in the future for naughty politicians - Santa weighs in on marijuana ban. Cannabis is starting to become legal, and more importantly, recognized at having medical benefits. Even mainstream leaders are seeing the benefits of it being available....

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