Sunday, September 29, 2024


Will Marijuana Reform Lead To Legalization Of Harder Drugs?

How far is the United States willing to go with the legalization of drugs? Will it stop at marijuana? Psilocybin?

Biden’s DEA Pick Anne Milgram & Cannabis Implications

Milgram has demonstrated a level-headed use of science and logic over historical status quo in policing and other areas. Let’s hope she brings the same to the DEA.

New York Is The Newest Global Destination For Cannatourism

New York just cemented its status as the cannabis tourism capital of the world.

President Biden Is Too Busy To Legalize Cannabis? That’s What VP Harris Claims

The Biden Administration is at odds with the rest of the world.

Joe Biden Isn’t Senile — He’s Just Hard Of Learning When It Comes To Weed

Biden fired five staffers who honestly admitted to having used marijuana, which is utterly inconsistent with his claims that his advisers will lead with science and truth. 

How Marijuana Legalization Will Greatly Benefit The Criminal Justice System

You cannot separate marijuana usage from the policy-making process, including legalization and the criminal justice system.

Reefer Madness Crowd Discovers CBD With Predictable Results

The National Consumers League is America's original consumer advocacy organization. Here are their 4 suggested solutions to their perceived problems with CBD.

Federal Marijuana Legalization Could Mimic End Of Alcohol Prohibition

In 1933, President Roosevelt believed that legalizing low ABV booze would reduce unemployment and provide the nation with much-needed tax revenue.

Some Massachusetts Landlords Are Trying To Ban Edibles, But Can They?

Being against cannabis consumption is becoming as ridiculous as banning alcohol.

Is Hunter Biden The Reason President Biden Is Apprehensive About Marijuana Reform?

Part of his apprehensiveness could be the condition of his son Hunter Biden.

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