Friday, July 26, 2024

Eminem Disses Donald Trump And Others in New “Campaign Speech” Freestyle

Eminem is angry again. That might not come as a shocker when considering Marshall Mathers, but this time he’s aimed his vexing toward the political arena with a nearly eight-minute freestyle called “Campaign Speech.”

Though Em has been mum with regard to this election, this more than delivers all of his pent-up thoughts and frustrations about the current climate. The “Chuck Norris with a thesaurus,” as he dubs himself in the song, spits dives right into all the controversy. He disses Donald Trump and his supporters, throws shots at George Zimmerman and Dylan Roof, rides for Colin Kaepernick, and more.

The song includes Eminem’s patented penchant for intricate and multi-syllabic rhyming and his overall spazzing on the mic. For example, he aims at Trump supporters with these bars: “That’s what you wanted / A fuckin’ loose cannon / Whose blunt with his hand on the button / Who doesn’t have to answer to no one / Great idea.”

Some weren’t jazzed on the song—though at this point, if you don’t like Eminem, maybe just don’t listen?—but Eminem announced he’s working on a new album. Also, unsurprisingly, Twitter had some strong reactions on the track. Check the responses below.


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