Friday, January 24, 2025

This Instagram Account Let’s You Compare Movie Script Vs. The Final Cut

It’s no easy feat to put together a movie. Not only do you have to write the script, you have to find your actors and actually make the movie. And sometimes, by the time the movie is actually made, it doesn’t look anything like the original script. So when you get the chance to see a script and finished product line up perfectly, it’s kind of amazing. And now, there’s now an Instagram account that gives you all those feels.

It’s called Script to Screen and it offers viewers the chance to see a movie script and final cut all in one frame so you can see words actually come to life. It’s pretty addictive.

Here’s a clip of Oscar winning “Ladybird,” in which the movie’s heroine jumps out of the car. On paper, it doesn’t look like much. But in the movie, it’s one of the most thrilling scenes. It just goes to show you how important it is to hire the right actors to really sell the story.

And here’s the famous “sunken place” scene from another Oscar winner, “Get Out.” Unlike “Ladybird,” the selling point of this scene isn’t so much the dialogue, but the expression on the actor Daniel Kaluuya’s face.

In this scene from “Inglourious Basterds” (2009), Brad Pitt’s character pretends to be an Italian actor named Enzo Gorlomi, which is the birth name of the director from the film’s muse, “The Inglorious Bastards” (1978) — Enzo G. Castellari.

Other films include “Rocky”, “Pulp Fiction”, “Star Wars”, “Wizard of Oz”, “Dead Poets Society” and “The Big Lebowski”, in which The Dude says the word “man” 147 times throughout the movie, which is more than once per minute.

Script to Screen also has a YouTube channel worth checking out. Here’s the classic bear attack scene from “The Revenant”. Seeing the dichotomy between the words and the physical translation is really something to witness.


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