Social media doesn’t tend to be super helpful after a breakup, but there are some ways in which these sites can help you.
Breaking up in the modern era sucks. While before we used to be able to break up and cut off that person from our lives, now we’re forced to live with their presence in our pockets. Thanks to your cellphone, you now have 24/7 access to your ex, allowing you to reread texts, stalk their profiles and more.
Nowadays breakups need to be handled with care. While it sucks to have to block people, sometimes it’s what you need and that’s okay. There are also Instagram accounts that can help you feel better and provide some perspective and much needed advice from a totally unbiased point of view.
Check out 5 Instagram accounts you should follow after a painful breakup:

Awards for good boys
If you’re feeling angry and disappointed the best thing you can do is laugh about it. Awards for good boys is an account made by comedian Shelby Lorman. Her posts are basically awards for mediocre men who expect a medal every time they do even the most basic of things. It’s great.
Another hilarious account you can follow is Reductress, which parodies all kinds of women websites and the ridiculous headlines that accompany them. The fake headlines resonate really well with all sorts of people, especially those who’ve recently gone through break ups.
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Elephant Journal
Elephant Journal is a very positive Instagram account for people going through all sorts of things. The account provides quotes that range from funny to introspective, always resonating and providing some perspective.
Rupi Kaur
Probably the most famous poet to come out of Instagram, Rupi Kaur has over 3.8 million followers. Most of her content centers on self care, which is a nice thing to be reminded of when going through hard times.
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Cleo Wade is another famous author with a large platform on Instagram, having over 539k followers. She publishes great quotes, inspiring thoughts and beautifully minimalistic artwork that is good to have even when you’re not going through a break up or a rough time.