Sweet foods are the best. People dream of a doughnut with a side of ice cream and cookies and whipped cream. Sadly though, this isn’t possible if you want your body to remain sort of healthy and to function properly. Studies have shown strong relationships between sugar and myriad of conditions, like diabetes, heart disease, cancer and tooth health. We all know this information yet we still find it really hard to quit. Here are some steps to help you avoid sugary foods.
While quitting sugar completely is practically impossible, there are ways of reducing your intake without making you hate life and not indulge on delicious things. While we shouldn’t eat ice cream every day, there’s nothing wrong for you to create an ice cream space in your life, which will make you enjoy it more without any of the guilt.
Avoid sugary drinks
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Sugary drinks make up a large percentage of our sugar intake. To be exact, sodas are the third largest provider of calories to Americans. They’re super bad for you. Try swapping sodas and sweet drinks with teas and water infusions. This is a tough change to make but it’s one of the most effective ways of controlling your sugar intake.
Don’t shop when you’re hungry
If you go to the supermarket when you’re hungry you’re just going to go for the most delicious looking items and put them in your cart. Try shopping with a full stomach and purchasing lots of fruits, veggies and proteins, all with the purpose of constructing a healthy and filling menu for your week.
Trick your tastebuds
Sugar cravings are inescapable, so it’s important to trick your body into believing it’s satisfying it’s craving without actually doing it. Have some tea and try out different flavors so you avoid getting bored. For a sweet flavor, add a spoonful of honey or the sweetener of your choice.
Have a savory breakfast
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If you start off the day by eating delicious pancakes, you’re gonna have a tough time finding anything better and more fulfilling. When you eat a sweet breakfast you’re setting your standard for the day, giving your body license for hundreds of sugar cravings. try out savory dishes like omelettes or eggs with a side of veggies which are very filling and delicious.
Weirdly enough, studies have found a relationship between lack of sleep and sugar cravings, making these cravings more powerful if you’re not well rested. Sleeping late and getting little amounts of sleep has also been related to a larger appetite. Outsmart your body by being conscious of the amount of sugar you’re consuming and by ensuring that you’re sleeping seven to eight hours.